Forum Discussion

newbie's avatar
Icon for Altostratus rankAltostratus
Aug 27, 2020

a VP & Pool created in a sub Common partition

We're taking over the support for the Viprions 2400 and noticed that some of the VIPs and the corresponding Pools in the vCMP Guests were created in a partition that appears to have been sub-foldered from the Common partition, like Common/


What would be a rational for doing that?





1 Reply

  • nathe's avatar
    Icon for Cirrocumulus rankCirrocumulus



    Partitions are usually (or always perhaps) used for administrative segregation where if you have different business units/application owners or even different customers, using the bigip and they each have a partition accordingly. So customer 1 cannot see the objects built for customer 2 etc.


    The following tech document actually expands on this on how you can add further functionality and separation with Route Domains and Partitions. see vCMP Guest and RD


    Hope this helps,
