Forum Discussion
101 application delivery fundamentals exam
Some exam takers said exam questions are not related to exam blueprint. Does anybody has knowledge about the exam questions type?
- JRahm
anyone here take the 101 exam at Agility? - Colin_Walker_12Historic F5 Account
Are you looking to get the questions themselves? I'm sure I could track down the people responsible for presenting that training and get you the questions, if that's what you're after. It's a bit hard to tell by your question, though. :)
i think that you will always get questions you dont expect, from what i recall nothing was extremely outside the blueprint scope. beyond that we can't discuss it.
you could also look at the linkedin f5 certification group, the person who runs the cert program posts a lot there.
- fadhil_104666
i already taken the exam few month back (101beta) and passed. and i think the exam question is very related to the blue print.
- Swap_F5_133333
Can you please help me with Some good and relevant documents ? I am planning to go for it. - Valentine_96813
I took mine recently to finally start certifications and I can tell you if you follow the blueprint, learn and know everything it depicts. I found that all my questions part of the blueprint. That being said, some of them were more than a cursory depth into some of the blueprint topics. For example, in the blueprint it mentions proxy. F5 assumes you have real depth of knowledge in it, not just what it is. - Swaso
Could you please help me to understand the exam pattern? I would like to know how many questions are there in the exams and is there any LAB to test practical knowledge? I would be so grateful to you if you could please send me some study guide on
- Prakash_129853
Guys, is there anyone recently taken the exam? i plan to give exam next month for application delivery fundamentals. dumps available ?
- LMieldazis_2502
I took it about two weeks ago, no dumps available. It's not even legal to use that either. Get the pdf guide from Eric Mitchell and, both are valuable resources. F5 University also has good videos.
- Prakin
Guys, is there anyone recently taken the exam? i plan to give exam next month for application delivery fundamentals. dumps available ?
- LMieldazis_2502
I took it about two weeks ago, no dumps available. It's not even legal to use that either. Get the pdf guide from Eric Mitchell and, both are valuable resources. F5 University also has good videos.
- Ken_Salchow
I can assure you that ALL the questions on the exam directly relate to the Blueprint. The blueprint we publish is the exact same document that is used to write the items on the exam. As was intimated by others, you have to be careful and not assume that the "examples" are inclusive of all the questions you might be asked. They are simply examples to help a candidate understand how the objective could be expounded upon.
I want to point out that "dumps", or sharing specific questions on the exams will be seen as a violation of your Candidate Agreement and Non-Disclosure Agreement. Violation of these agreements can result in you being expelled from the program in perpetuity. That means you would NEVER be able to be F5 Certified!. We take this very seriously as it impacts the credibility and integrity of the program. These are not supposed to be "easy" and those that pass have accomplished something to be proud of; consequently, we don't want people passing and getting certified unless they really are qualified. Helping other candidates find resources to better prepare is one thing ... helping them to cheat is another. :)
Lastly, as to how to prepare for your exams. There are a number of resources, both from F5 as well as the general community. On the F5 Credential Management System (CMS: we offer introductory "study guides" for each of the exams that are in production. In addition, we have a strong community on LinkedIn (F5 Certified! Professionals) where several members have elaborated on the F5 study guides and produced some really nice study aids. As of today (10/31/2013) over 500 candidates have achieved their F5 Certified! BIG-IP Administrator Certification (having passed exam 101 and 201) and another 31 have achieved their F5 Certified! Technology Specialist, GTM. It is possible to pass these exams (70-75% pass rate), but it is not meant to be an easy check box. Those days are over.
Specific questions about certification can be directed to
My interest is in F5 LTM.. but the blue print includes all the f5 products like GTM, ASM, EM, APM, LC etc Do i really need to have the knowledge on all those products to get F5 Certified ? Is there any reason in not introducing the certification program exclusively for LTM ? - Ryannnnnnnnn
You should be able identify where other F5 products may be useful. - LMieldazis_2502
@PSPK Complementing Ryan's answer, the Administrator level should introduce you to all F5 products. LTM is not the only thing F5 has to offer. After that big picture from 101/201, go for 301a and 301b, that'll be exclusively talking about LTM.
- Eduardo_123904
You can find several information about the topics in the blueprint here : .. anyway, I can tell you that the exam is totally related with the blueprint, so as long as you study all the subjects from there you will be ok. I just passed the 101 fundamentals a month ago and I'm hoping to get the 201 this year.
Good Luck !
- Parth_Swadas_15
Hi Ken, No introductory guides are available on (CMS: Can you please suggest if any other study guides available?
- Ken_Salchow
Parth .. I just verified that you can see both the blueprint AND the study guide that we provide in the downloads section of the F5-CMS. However, as others have mentioned here, there are additional guides (based on the one we provided) available. Links to these can be found in our F5 Certified! Professionals LinkedIn group. Also, as mentioned above, Veritable Networks have interactive blog posts for both the 101 and 201 exams.
- Tony_A_145435
F5 REALLY needs a reputable study guide like the ones created by Cisco.
- Ken_Salchow
Tony -- I agree. We are in the process of trying to get funding to make this a reality, but even once that is accomplished, this is not something that will happen over night. Cisco has had nearly 30 years to create, develop and maintain the guides and books they have. We've had less than 3 years. I just wanted you to know ... we hear you and we agree.
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