Forum Discussion

ayurttas_7585's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Feb 13, 2011

01070151:3: Rule [rule_routing] error: line 2: [wrong # args] [string tolower[HTTP::uri]]

Hi folks,



In my company we had a problem about url redirection..So i tried to write an i-rule. but there s a problem and its code. Help me plz..How can i fix it?? code : 01070151:3: Rule [rule_routing] error: line 2: [wrong args] [string tolower[HTTP::uri]]


Tnx alot





switch -glob [string tolower[HTTP::uri]] {


"/moblive/90001.isml*" { pool NTV }


"/moblive/90002.isml*" { pool NTV_Spor }


"/moblive/90003.isml*" { pool CNBC-e }


"/moblive/90004.isml*" { pool E2 }


"/moblive/90005.isml*" { pool KanalD }


"/moblive/90006.isml*" { pool ATV }


"/moblive/90023.isml*" { pool TraceTv }


"/moblive/90024.isml*" { pool MCM_Pop }


"/mobvod*" { pool MOB_Vod }


default { HTTP::redirect http://[getfield [HTTP::host] ":" 1]/content1 } } }
  • hoolio's avatar
    Icon for Cirrostratus rankCirrostratus
    Can you try putting a space between string tolower and [HTTP::uri]?



    switch -glob [string tolower [HTTP::uri]] {


