Forum Discussion

Michael_Yates's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
May 16, 2011

.NET Assembly iControl

I gone through the On-Line SDK and cannot seem to find the method for Sync State between a redundant Load Balancer Pair.



Can someone point me to it?






  • hoolio's avatar
    Icon for Cirrostratus rankCirrostratus
    Hi Michael,



    You can use this example from Joe:



    How to detect config sync status using iControl





    These values are stored in the internal database which can be accessed via the Management::DBVariable interface (



    The values you are looking for are:















  • Thank you Hoolio.



    The setup is a little different for the .NET iControl, but you pointed me to where I needed to search in order to find it.



    For .NET iControl you can get a full list of Database Variables to query with:






    Once you have your variable list you must put them into an Array (even if it is an array of one) and call it with:






    Thank you again!