Forum Discussion

thuyngnhu's avatar
Icon for Altostratus rankAltostratus
Jan 13, 2023

Net Trunk API Status Field Missing

As the subject suggests, I made an api call to the path /mgmt/tm/net/trunk but there is no status field in the api response even though status field appears in both cli (show net trunk) and gui. Do you guys know how to get the status of the trunk? Thanks a lot!

  • trunk name such as "test-trunk", get its Status attribute you need to bring /stats in the end, example api url is:

    curl -sku 'admin:xt32112300' | jq .

    Of course, if the clear path of the url you not confirm, icontrol rest api gives an until.bash api, which can send the linux bash command to bigip, cmds like "tmsh show net trunk", it will return show net trunk result




  • xuwen's avatar
    Icon for Cumulonimbus rankCumulonimbus

    trunk name such as "test-trunk", get its Status attribute you need to bring /stats in the end, example api url is:

    curl -sku 'admin:xt32112300' | jq .

    Of course, if the clear path of the url you not confirm, icontrol rest api gives an until.bash api, which can send the linux bash command to bigip, cmds like "tmsh show net trunk", it will return show net trunk result