229 TopicsServer reporting requests coming from port 80
I have a site using F5 to provided CAC authentication. It's a PHP server, I get these values from the SERVER data: $_SERVER['SERVER_PROTOCOL'] = HTTP/1.1 $_SERVER['SERVER_PORT] = 80 As a user, when I navigate to the site I type HTTPS into the browser, but the site php server still sees it coming in on port 80. Im assuming the connection between the user and the F5 proxy is over HTTPS, but whats the connection between F5 and my server? Is that supposed to be HTTPS? I guess what I'm wondering is... should I be concerned and looking into this deeper?Solved43Views0likes2CommentsHigh CPU utilization (100%).
I observed high CPU utilization (100%) on F5 device, resource provision ASM nominal. I checked the client-side throughput and server-side throughput both are normal but found management interface throughput is very high and what i noticed this is happening in same time period for last 30 days. What could be the reason for this spike. Many thanks in advanced for your time and consideration.207Views0likes14CommentsHSTS is not working.
Hi there, We have one irule is configured on VIP which is redirecting to maintenance page if user access the wrong url on that page HSTS is not working but if we access the right url then HSTS is working. We have enabled HSTS in http profile and that is attached to the same VIP with irule. Is there any way to enable HSTS on maintenance page or any remediation to fix that issue. if { $DEBUG } { log local0. "TEST - Source IP address: [IP::client_addr]" } switch -glob $uri_ext { "/httpfoo*" {set uri_int [string map {"/httpfoo" "/adapter_plain"} $uri_ext]} "/httptest*" {set uri_int [string map {"/httptest" "/adapter_plain"} $uri_ext]} default { HTTP::respond 200 content [ifile get ifile_service_unavailable_html] set OK 0 } } Many thanks in advance.Solved124Views0likes1CommentTelemetry Streaming: getting HTTP statistics via SNMP
Hi F5 community, I am looking to get HTTP statistics (total count, and broken by response code) metrics from Telemetry Streaming via SNMP (seems to be the most viable option). F5-BIGIP-LOCAL-MIB::ltmHttpProfileStat oid: . However, the stats don't seem to come out correct at all: I do see deltas happening, but they don't match at all the traffic rate I expect to see. Furthermore, I have done some tests where I would start a load testing tool (vegeta) to fire concurrent HTTP requests, for which I do see the logs from the virtual server, but no matching increment in the above SNMP OID entries on none of the profiles configured. What am I doing wrong? does something need to be enabled on the HTTP profile in use to collect those stats? Best, Owayss50Views0likes0Comments(HTTP) Redirection via Arbitrary Host Header
Does that title sound familiar to you? It is something we see through in support cases; quite often when a customer has had a PCI audit or penetration test conducted against their web properties. It sounds alarming, but often has a very simple cause, and protecting against it is often also quite simple! What is the Host header? If we go way back to the earliest webservers and HTTP/1.0, RFC1945 didn’t include a specification for a Host header. Instead, it was assumed that the host (IP address) receiving the request was the only intended destination, and that the server was only serving a single website. Obviously, it became apparent to the architects of the modern world-wide web (Tim Berners-Lee and all the others named in the HTTP RFCs) that more flexibility was required, specifically, the ability for a single target IP address to host more than one website under more than one domain (OK, there’s more to it than that – the role of Proxies is also important here, but irrelevant to our current discussion.) To enable that, the “Host:” header was added to RFC2616, the HTTP/1.1 specification document, which would allow a single server to understand which “virtual host” an incoming request was destined for and, through that, serve multiple domains on one system. There are two ways to satisfy that requirement of HTTP/1.1: By sending a “Host:” header along with the request, specifying the desired target (see fig. 1.1) By sending an “Absolute URI” rather than a relative one, with the URI containing the hostname (see fig. 1.2) (See Section of RFC2616 for more information) GET /index.html HTTP/1.1<CRLF> Host:<CRLF> <CRLF> Fig 1.1: An example HTTP/1.1 request with Host header GET HTTP/1.1<CRLF> <CRLF> Fig 1.2: An example HTTP/1.1 request with Absolute URI What could go wrong? Quite a lot of things, it turns out! There are all sorts of potential problems – many or most of which are now, thankfully, fixed in all of the common webserver and proxy software available today, but still, we must be wary of things like: Host header confusion If a request includes both a Host: header and an Absolute URI, which is used (the RFC is clear here) and do all systems in the request path agree? Server-Side Request Forgery (SSRF) attacks By including special characters (like @) in a URI, can we coerce a proxy to forward on a request which has been modified in an unexpected fashion? Password reset attacks An attacker might be able to abuse the password reset functionality on a legitimate website by manipulating the Host header, causing the website to send a manipulated, malicious password reset link to the victim’s user account contact details, thereby tricking the victim into visiting a phishing website rather than the legitimate site. Web cache poisoning attacks This is a large and complex topic and relates to much more than just the Host header, but a system which trusts a manipulated Host header may make cache poisoning easier for an attacker to perform. Malicious redirects Finally, we arrive at the topic which started this whole article: malicious redirects to an arbitrary destination. Let’s dive into that one more deeply than the others… Redirection via Arbitrary Host Header Let’s be honest for a moment – the real problem here isn’t that you can cause the target system to generate a redirect to an injected host. That’s perhaps not ideal but doesn’t describe any kind of vulnerability; an attacker can’t manipulate the host header on a victim’s system (without having already compromised the victim’s system in some way) and can’t have the reflected, malicious, host header sent to anyone but themselves… ...Unless they can. In the real world, utilizing such a flaw means carrying out one of the other kinds of attack I mentioned earlier; perhaps you can trigger the server to send a redirect (a 302 response with a Location: header) to your arbitrary malicious destination and cause that response to be cached by an intermediate proxy to be subsequently served to other users? Now you’ve poisoned a web cache and anyone you send to the legitimate site via a phishing attack will ultimately be redirected to your malicious domain. Alternatively, the over-trust in the Host header, shown by its use in the responses Location header, might just be a pointer to an attacker, letting the attacker know that they should try to get the vulnerable system to emit the malicious host in other content, like a password reset email. So, what am I saying? I’m saying that the “Redirection via Arbitrary Host Header Manipulation” result we commonly see in vulnerability scans is not, in and of itself, necessarily something to be alarmed about. An attacker being able to send a manipulated redirect back to themselves is next to useless, but it’s a pointer indicating a system might be vulnerable to other attacks that a scanner can’t easily determine in an automated fashion. Unfortunately for us, it’s also often a PCI audit failure, even if the application architecture isn’t vulnerable in a meaningful way. How do we fix it? In part, that depends on why you’re seeing the problem in the first place, so let’s examine some common scenarios: iRules It’s quite common to redirect from HTTP to HTTPS using an iRule – there’s even a built-in iRule on BIG-IP called _sys_https_redirect for that purpose – and without any other checks, the following kind of rule will result in a redirect being generated for whatever host name was received (in other words, you’ll get dinged for “Redirection via Arbitrary Host Header Manipulation” on your audit): when HTTP_REQUEST { HTTP::redirect https://[getfield [HTTP::host] ":" 1][HTTP::uri] } You could fix this by hard-coding the redirect response, of course, and having a single iRule per target application, and that is the most secure option assuming each virtual server only handles traffic for one application; something like this: when HTTP_REQUEST { HTTP::redirect[HTTP::uri] } If you need to support multiple applications per virtual server, then your next-best option would be to use a Data Group to define the valid allowed hostnames and then only redirect if the incoming Host header matches one of the hosts in the data group. There’s an excellent answer for this by Kai Wilke, here: BIG-IP Local Traffic Policies It is also quite common to use Local Traffic Policies to redirect HTTP requests, for example to perform an HTTP-to-HTTPS redirect in a more performant way than an iRule. You can still achieve safety here by using the same techniques as for iRules; define the redirect rule to only act when expected host names are received and to drop all other traffic, e.g.: BIG-IP Advanced WAF (ASM) To make preventing this kind of vulnerability incredibly easy, BIG-IP Advanced WAF has a feature called “HTTP redirection protection” which can be configured and enabled on any ASM policy. Configuring it is quite straightforward and is described in K04211103: Configuring HTTP redirection protection; just remember to make sure you have enabled blocking for the policy and enabled Block for the “Illegal redirection attempt” violation under Policy Building->Learning and Blocking Settings! NGINX For NGINX, you just need to be careful when setting up any redirects and use a hard-coded host element rather than taking the resulting hostname from the incoming (potentially attacker-supplied) host header. In other words, don’t do this: location / { return 302 https://$host$request_uri; } Do this instead: location / { return 302$request_uri; } Something else to point out here – it’s very common for administrators to use ‘$uri’ when constructing redirects, but doing so can open you up to header injection and/or response splitting; be sure to use ‘$request_uri’ instead, whenever possible. That’s all for now! That’s all I’m going to cover in this article – there are other ways you can be vulnerable to open redirects (for example if you take an HTTP parameter and use that to construct a subsequent redirect) which aren’t covered here and are a much broader topic. For this article, I chose to concentrate only on the exact report we see across so many PCI audits and vulnerability scans. I will say, though, that BIG-IP Advanced WAF’s HTTP redirect protection will protect you against many, if not all, of the other ways you can be vulnerable because that protection applies to the redirect itself, i.e., to the HTTP response, rather than the request. For that reason (and many, many others), I’d strongly recommend investigating BIG-IP Advanced WAF if you don’t already use it! As always, feel free to leave any comments or questions below and I’ll try to get back to everyone, and thanks for reading this far!373Views1like0CommentsHelp with iRule Proxy
Hi team, I’m working on an iRule where I need to replace the path /admin with the root / and forward the request to the appropriate pool. However, I’m encountering issues with the rule, and it doesn't seem to work as expected. Here’s the first version I implemented: when HTTP_REQUEST { if {[string tolower [HTTP::host]] equals "" and [HTTP::path] starts_with "/admin"} { HTTP::path [string map -nocase {"/admin" "/"} [HTTP::path]] pool POOL-A #log "Client Address --> [IP::client_addr] | Path: [HTTP::path] | Pool: POOL-A" } else { pool POOL-B #log "Client Address --> [IP::client_addr] | Path: [HTTP::path] | Pool: POOL-B" } } After some research, I saw that HTTP::path might need to be changed to HTTP::uri. I tried this version: when HTTP_REQUEST { # Log the original URI for debugging log local0. "Original URI: [HTTP::uri]" # Check if the URI starts with "/admin" if {[HTTP::uri] starts_with "/admin"} { # Modify the URI by replacing "/admin" with "/" set new_uri [string map {"/admin" "/"} [HTTP::uri]] HTTP::uri $new_uri # Log the modified URI for debugging log local0. "Modified URI: [HTTP::uri]" # Forward the request to the appropriate pool pool POOL-A } else { # Log default traffic for debugging log local0. "Default traffic - URI: [HTTP::uri], Pool: POOL-B" # Forward to the default pool pool POOL-B } } Issue: Neither version seems to work. When I test requests to /admin, the path replacement does not happen as expected or The replace of path does not allow me to reach any subfolders after root “/” (ex. help, etc etc) and on these objects we faced 404 not found error.Could someone point out what I might be missing or any best practices for this kind of path manipulation? Thanks!59Views0likes1CommentPort Translation & HTTPS -> HTTP
Systeminformation: F5 BIG-IP r2600 Version Build 0.0.2 Hello everyone, We would like to map the following scenario with the f5 BIG-IP I call port 443. The BIG-IP should then forward to port 55000. Is this even possible? How did you solve it? Configuration: For port translation, we entered port 443 in the virtual server and gave the pool member port 55000. For HTTPS to HTTP we used the following iRule: when HTTP_REQUEST { # Extrahiere den Host und den URI aus der HTTPS-Anfrage set host [HTTP::host] set uri [HTTP::uri] # Leite die Anfrage an die HTTP-Version der gleichen URL weiter HTTP::respond 301 Location "http://$host$uri" log "iRule_HTTP, HTTPS-Anfrage wurde auf HTTP umgeleitet: $host$uri, ClientIP: [IP::client_addr], ClientPort: [TCP::client_port]" } Is the iRule log entry generated before the port translation? The wrong port is in the logs. Best regardsSolved78Views0likes2CommentsWhat is HTTP Part X - HTTP/2
In the penultimate article in this What is HTTP? series we covered iRules and local traffic policies and the power they can unleash on your HTTP traffic. To date in this series, the content primarily focuses on HTTP/1.1, as that is still the predominant industry standard. But make no mistake, HTTP/2 is here and here to stay, garnering 30% of all website traffic and climbing steadily. In this article, we’ll discuss the problems in HTTP/1.1 addressed in HTTP/2 and how BIG-IP supports the major update. What’s So Wrong with HTTP/1.1? It’s obviously a pretty good standard since it’s lasted as long as it has, right? So what’s the problem? Well, let’s set security aside for this article, since the HTTP/2 committee pretty much punted on it anyway, and let’s instead talk about performance. Keep in mind that the foundational constructs of the HTTP protocol come from the internet equivalent of the Jurassic age, where the primary function was to get and post text objects. As the functionality stretched from static sites to dynamic interactive and real-time applications, the underlying protocols didn’t change much to support this departure. That said, the two big issues with HTTP/1.1 as far as performance goes are repetitive meta data and head of line blocking. HTTP was designed to be stateless. As such, all applicable meta data is sent on every request and response, which adds from minimal to a grotesque amount of overhead. Head of Line Blocking For HTTP/1.1, this phenomenon occurs due to each request needs a completed response before a client can make another request. Browser hacks to get around this problem involved increasing the number of TCP connections allowed to each host from one to two and currently at six as you can see in the image below. More connections more objects, right? Well yeah, but you still deal with the overhead of all those connections, and as the number of objects per page continues to grow the scale doesn’t make sense. Other hacks on the server side include things like domain sharding, where you create the illusion of many hosts so the browser creates more connections. This still presents a scale problem eventually. Pipelining was a thing as well, allowing for parallel connections and the utopia of improved performance. But as it turns out, it was not a good thing at all, proving quite difficult to implement properly and brittle at that, resulting in a grand total of ZERO major browsers actually supporting it. Radical Departures - The Big Changes in HTTP/2 HTTP/2 still has the same semantics as HTTP/1. It still has request/response, headers in key/value format, a body, etc. And the great thing for clients is the browser handles the wire protocols, so there are no compatibility issues on that front. There are many improvements and feature enhancements in the HTTP/2 spec, but we’ll focus here on a few of the major changes. John recorded a Lightboard Lesson a while back on HTTP/2 with an overview of more of the features not covered here. From Text to Binary With HTTP/2 comes a new binary framing layer, doing away with the text-based roots of HTTP. As I said, the semantics of HTTP are unchanged, but the way they are encapsulated and transferred between client and server changes significantly. Instead of a text message with headers and body in tow, there are clear delineations for headers and data, transferred in isolated binary-encoded frames (photo courtesy of Google). Client and server need to understand this new wire format in order to exchange messages, but the applications need not change to utilize the core HTTP/2 changes. For backwards compatibility, all client connections begin as HTTP/1 requests with an upgrade header indicating to the server that HTTP/2 is possible. If the server can handle it, a 101 response to switch protocols is issued by the server, and if it can’t the header is simply ignored and the interaction will remain on HTTP/1. You’ll note in the picture above that TLS is optional, and while that’s true to the letter of the RFC law (see my punting on security comment earlier) the major browsers have not implemented that as optional, so if you want to use HTTP/2, you’ll most likely need to do it with encryption. Multiplexed Streams HTTP/2 solves the HTTP/1.1 head of line problem by multiplexing requests over a single TCP connection. This allows clients to make multiple requests of the server without requiring a response to earlier requests. Responses can arrive in any order as the streams all have identifiers (photo courtesy of Google). Compare the image below of an HTTP/2 request to the one from the HTTP/1.1 section above. Notice two things: 1) the reduction of TCP connections from six to one and 2) the concurrency of all the objects being requested. In the brief video below, I toggle back and forth between HTTP/1.1 and HTTP/2 requests at increasing latencies, thanks to a demo tool on, and show the associated reductions in page load experience as a result. Even at very low latency there is an incredible efficiency in making the switch to HTTP/2. This one change obviates the need for many of the hacks in place for HTTP/1.1 deployments. One thing to note on the head of line blocking: TCP actually becomes a stumbling block for HTTP/2 due to its congestion control algorithms. If there is any packet loss in the TCP connection, the retransmit has to be processed before any of the other streams are managed, effectively halting all traffic on that connection. Protocols like QUIC are being developed to ride the UDP wave and overcome some of the limitations in TCP holding back even better performance in HTTP/2. Header Compression Given that headers and data are now isolated by frame types, the headers can now be compressed independently, and there is a new compression utility specifically for this called HPACK. This occurs at the connection level. The improvements are two-fold. First, the header fields are encoded using Huffman coding thus reducing their transfer size. Second, the client and server maintain a table of previous headers that is indexed. This table has static entries that are pre-defined on common HTTP headers, and dynamic entries added as headers are seen. Once dynamic entries are present in the table, the index for that dynamic entry will be passed instead of the head values themselves (photo courtesy of BIG-IP Support F5 introduced the HTTP/2 profile in 11.6 as an early access, but it hit general availability in 12.0. The BIG-IP implementation supports HTTP/2 as a gateway, meaning that all your clients can interact with the BIG-IP over HTTP/2, but server-side traffic remains HTTP/1.1. Applying the profile also requires the HTTP and clientssl profiles. If using the GUI to configure the virtual server, the HTTP/2 Profile field will be grayed out until use select an HTTP profile. It will let you try to save it at that point even without a clientssl profile, but will complain when saving: 01070734:3: Configuration error: In Virtual Server (/Common/h2testvip) http2 specified activation mode requires a client ssl profile As far as the profile itself is concerned, the fields available for configuration are shown in the image below. Most of the fields are pretty self explanatory, but I’ll discuss a few of them briefly. Insert Header - this field allows you to configure a header to inform the HTTP/1.1 server on the back end that the front-end connection is HTTP/2. Activation Modes - The options here are to restrict modes to ALPN only, which would then allow HTTP/1.1 or negatiate to HTTP/2 or Always, which tells BIG-IP that all connections will be HTTP/2. Receive Window - We didn’t cover the flow control functionality in HTTP/2, but this setting sets the level (HTTP/2 v3+) where individual streams can be stalled. Write Size - This is the size of the data frames in bytes that HTTP/2 will send in a single write operation. Larger size will improve network utilization at the expense of an increased buffer of the data. Header Table Size - This is the size of the indexed static/dynamic table that HPACK uses for header compression. Larger table size will improve compression, but at the expense of memory. In this article, we covered the basics of the major benefits of HTTP/2. There are more optimizations and features to explore, such as server push, which is not yet supported by BIG-IP. You can read about many of those features here on this very excellent article on Google’s developers portal where some of the images in this article came from.2.6KViews1like2Comments