Forum Discussion
ICAP with iRule Response Page without ASM
We are running on Big IP TMOS code and set up Content Adaptation for HTTP request to check files uploaded through one our Website using ICAP. It's working fine but in case any virus is detected the ICAP server modify the response and show it's own response.
But we would like to redirect the end-user to a dedicated and corporate web page of our website. I prepared the below Irule but it's now working.
if { ([ADAPT::result] contains "respond") } {
log local0. "ICAP Response is [ADAPT::result], let's customized reject page"
set response {
<title>Virus Detected</title>
<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0;URL=''" />
HTTP::header remove Content-Length
#HTTP::payload replace 0 [HTTP::payload length] ""
HTTP::payload replace 0 0 $response
How we could redirect the POST of the user to a dedicated page within our website if a virus is found using ICAP internal VS.
Many thanks in advance for any help on this matter.
Try this:
when ADAPT_REQUEST_RESULT { log local0. "ADAPT_REQUEST_RESULT: [ADAPT::result]" if { ([ADAPT::result] contains "respond") } { log local0. "ICAP Response is [ADAPT::result], let's customized reject page" set response { <html> <head> <title>Virus Detected</title> <meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0;URL=''" /> </head> </html> } HTTP::respond 200 content $response } }
- Vijay_Jain
Thanks Niels for your response. I tried this Irule but got the Connection timeout error. I created below Irule and it's working as expected-
set VirusDetected 0
log local0. "AOB-TEST iRule initiated and VirusDetected variable to 0"
if { ([ADAPT::result request] contains "respond") } {
set VirusDetected 1
log local0. "ICAP: Check ADAPT VAR: == $VirusDetected => Virus Found"
else {
set ADAPTvar 0
log local0. "ICAP: Check ADAPT VAR: == $VirusDetected=> Virus NOT Found"
if { $VirusDetected == 1 } {
HTTP::respond 301 Location ""
log local0. "redirected to corporate network after Virus was Dectected"
- Wasfi_Bounni
Of course this i-rule is on the https virtual server not the internal ICAP virtual server, right?
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