Forum Discussion

Dawn_Parzych_20's avatar
May 08, 2008

WebAccelerator and AquaLogic(Plumtree) with Collaboration

BEA AquaLogic also known as Plumtree likes to talk to itself to properly compile the page, how it talks to itself is configured on the back end. It can either use WINS or DNS. If using DNS the request ends up being routed through WA which causes problems for the rendering of the page, only half of the page is displayed, typically either the header or the footer is not rendered.



Use the following iRule that identifies when the request is coming from Plumtree itself and not from a client and disables WA. This iRule specifically looks for a HTTP header which identifies the request as coming from Plumtree, if this header varies on an implementation by implementation basis there are 4 lines of code commented out which print a list of all the headers in each request to identify the requests from Plumtree. If there are no unique headers using the IP addresses of the Plumtree servers would also work.



If not using the http-acceleration profile with RAM Cache enabled the Cache:disable line will need to be removed.






log local0. "Connection coming from [IP::client_addr]"


foreach header [HTTP::header names] {


log local0. "got header name $header with value [HTTP::header value $header]"





if { [HTTP::header exists {CSP-Gateway-Type}] } {


log local0. "This is a VAS"


HTTP::class disable





