Forum Discussion

arthurkog_33279's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Dec 08, 2017

Web Accelerator caching CORS response header?

Running into an issue where the LTM Web Accelerator is caching the "Access-Control-Allow-Origin" header, and that is presenting a problem on CORS calls originating from domain other than the one returned through the cache.


GET /some/file.ext HTTP/1.1 Host: Origin:


Server response with Access-Control-Allow-Origin header: HTTP/1.1 200 OK Access-Control-Allow-Origin:


I know it's coming from the LTM cache because I'm getting an X-WA-INFO response header with code 10232


A similar issue is described in this article - , but that is related to the Portal Access profile, not Web Accelerator.


I wouldn't expect the Web Accelerator to cache response headers, and I cannot find any option to disable caching of response headers within the Web Accelerator profile.


As a work around, an iRule was created to bypass the Web Accelerator for any request with an "Origin" header, but I'd ultimately like to understand why LTM is caching the response header to begin with.


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