Forum Discussion

3 Replies

  • Something like below should do the trick,

    curl -sk -u useraccount -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X PATCH  https://hostname/mgmt/tm/auth/user/useraccount -d '{ "password": "newpassword" }'

    Once above is it will prompt for existing password and the change will reflect. The user will have the newpassword set as password.

    If you'd need you can send the existing password in the query too.

    curl -sk -u useraccount:oldpassword -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X PATCH  https://hostname/mgmt/tm/auth/user/useraccount -d '{ "password": "newpassword" }'

    Hope this helps.

  • Pre-requisite:

    1- Admin role user which has authority to change the password

    2- user's username of which password will change

    3- New password of the user's username


    User: test

    Admin User: f5osadmin

    Python: working on 2.7 and 3

    import requests
    from requests.auth import HTTPBasicAuth
    import json
    import urllib3
    urllib3.disable_warnings(urllib3.exceptions.InsecureRequestWarning)  # suppress SSL error
    def change_password(b, url, creds):
      payload = { }
      payload['password'] = creds[0]
      #print("Payload: ", payload)
      response1 = b.patch(url, data=json.dumps(payload))
       # Return Boolean 
       if response1 .status_code == int(200):
            pass_bool= True
            return pass_bool
        elif response1 .status_code == int(400) or response1 .status_code == int(401) :
           pass_bool= False
           return pass_bool
    ###### TO CHANGE Other non admin user PASSWORD ##################
    creds=["MyNewPassword123!"]  # user "test" new password 
    b = requests.session()
    b.auth = ('f5osadmin', 'f5OsaDm1n!')     # F5 admin role user credentials. 
    b.verify = False  
    if change_password(b, '', creds):  # user test
      print("password change successful")
      print("password change failed")
    ###### END TO CHANGE PASSWORD ##################

    Above is basic python code with few verification in print and which can be enhance with try exception

    Hope this will help