Forum Discussion

F5SJ_'s avatar
Icon for Altocumulus rankAltocumulus
Sep 04, 2020

irule to redirect traffic to more than pool

I am starting fresh trail here, didn't get complete response in my last query.


I have to clone the traffic from one pool member to another, I got multiple pools and I have clone traffic in each pool. Pool members will remain same, only ports are different. For that I have created irule, just want to check if that's fine or if it needs any modifications.




    if { [class match [IP::client_addr] equals DG1] } {

        pool pool1

clone clonepool1

    } elseif { [class match [IP::client_addr] equals DG2] } {

        pool pool2

clone pool clonepool2

       }else {

        #log local0. "Default pool (drop): [IP::client_addr]-->[LB::server]" 



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