Forum Discussion

Rosieodonell's avatar
Feb 11, 2020

Help with Access policy and embedded links asking for login again

Hey Everyone, I have virtual server that has a log in page (webpage A) that request AD authentication and 2 factor for a user. It opens up to a SharePoint site and on one of the SharePoint pages i...
  • Rosieodonell's avatar
    Feb 12, 2020

    Hey Everyone,


    i did a different work around to make this work. I used a rewrite profile and a irule to fix my issue. The rewrite profile allowed me to rewrite the traffic if the users had a link that started with the following:



    and changed the traffic to:



    on the back end. It would then leave all the remaining webpageA traffic alone. Same with the irule:


    when HTTP_REQUEST {

      switch -glob -- [string tolower [HTTP::uri]] {

        "/loginportal" -

        "/loginportal/*" {

          pool webpageB_80_pool


        "*CONTAINS*" {}

        "STARTSWITH*" {}

        "*ENDSWITH" {}       




    All the normal webpageA traffic worked fine but the traffic with the URL link "loginportal/" went to the new pool correctly. Just wanted to share what i did to fix it and not leave a question up in devcentral.