Forum Discussion

thrillseeker's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Sep 20, 2022

F5 APM User Tunnel does not work anymore when Machine Tunnel is enabled with location awareness

Hi all,
We are currently having the issue as soon as the F5 APM Machine Tunnel is up the user-based tunnel does not come up anymore. Connect button in Edge Client is greyed out!
We think it could be because of configured location awareness and if the machine tunnel is up all location aware conditions are met.
Is there any way to configure machine tunnel in combination with user-based tunnel and location aware ness?
Any feedback or hints would be very much appreciated.
Thanks in advance
Regards thrillseeker

  • > We think it could be because of configured location awareness and if the machine tunnel is up all location aware conditions are met.

    This was in my last test with location awareness and machine tunnel also the case. I have not found a good workarround, but I have not invested much time into this.

  • Hello,

    Did you find any solution for this case ? I have the same issue
