Forum Discussion

Sven_Leupold_85's avatar
Dec 02, 2014

EC key contains unsupported curve: Signature Algorithm ECDSA SHA384 on EC certificates supported?


Importing a X509 certificate on 11.5.1 throws:

tmsh install sys crypto cert CERT_NAME from-local-file ./CERT_NAME.crt
010717e6:3: EC key contains unsupported curve.

The certificate uses ecdsa-with-SHA384 as signing algorithm.

Where can I verify, which signing algorithm are supported?

Thanks in advance


2 Replies

  • What's the key size/curve you are using? I believe only prime256v1 and secp384r1 are currently supported.


  • Thanks for ur reply. Key size is 384 bit, but I have only the trusted CA certificate for import, not the key.

    Subject Public Key Info:
    Public Key Algorithm: id-ecPublicKey
    Public-Key: (384 bit)