Forum Discussion

Rice's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Feb 21, 2020

Android: Unable to automate the start of a connection with f5access:\\start URL

According to, we should be able to automatically connect to F5 on Android if we use the URL "f5access://start?name={connection profile name}. There is no other provided context, and typing this into a browser just causes an internet search.


We are using Intune with Android Enterprise to manage the App Config and deploy certs. We force only Edge to use the F5 connection, and Edge does not recognize the f5access protocol to call the connection.


Is there anything special we have to do to make this work? Do we have to embed this launch inside of some PHP script? It doesn't seem like F5 support knows, so I wanted to check with the forums.




  • If you have f5access installed on Android then opening that URL should open the F5Access app as a handler and connect to the VPN.

1 Reply

  • If you have f5access installed on Android then opening that URL should open the F5Access app as a handler and connect to the VPN.