v11.1: DNS Blackhole with iRules
Back in October, I attended a Security B-Sides event in Jefferson City (review here). One of the presenters (@bethayoung) talked about poisoning the internal DNS intentionally for known purveyors of ...
Updated Mar 16, 2022
Version 2.0JRahm
Joined January 20, 2005
Joined January 20, 2005
Mar 02, 2016MVP
Hi Jason, we had a discussion on the board where a peer has complained about performance problems using this iRule and I've tried to optimize his code. (Link: https://devcentral.f5.com/s/feed/0D51T00006n6oY4SAI) Could you provide additional datails why the enforcement of the $Blackhole_Match happens in the DNS_RESPONSE event and not directly in the DNS_REQUEST event? Cheers, Kai