iRules 101 - #12 - The Session Command
Published Mar 18, 2008
Version 1.0Was this article helpful?
NB: due to my delivery model, there is no default pool configured for the virtual server.
set add_persist 1
set DEBUG 1
set req_uri [string tolower [URI::path [HTTP::uri] 1 1]]
switch -glob $req_uri {
"/" -
"/?Open*" -
"*.exe*" -
"*.dll*" -
"*.pl*|" -
"*.php*;*" -
"/index.html" -
"/manager*" -
"/status*" -
"/sysProps*" -
"/healthCheck*" {
Unautorized Access Attempted
log local0. "Unauthorized access by Host [IP::remote_addr] detected for URI: [HTTP::uri]"
HTTP::respond 404 "Access ForbiddenThis security violation has been logged.
set http_request_time [clock clicks -milliseconds]
set request_log_line "[HTTP::request_num] - [IP::remote_addr] - [HTTP::method] - [HTTP::version] - [HTTP::host] - \"[HTTP::uri]\" - \" [HTTP::header value Referer] \" - \"[HTTP::header User-Agent]\" - \"[HTTP::cookie value JSESSIONID]\" - [SSL::cipher name] - [SSL::cipher version] - [SSL::cipher bits]"
if { [HTTP::cookie exists JSESSIONID] } {
set sid [HTTP::cookie JSESSIONID]
set orig_uri [session lookup uie [list $sid any virtual]]
log local0.crit "lookup original URI: $orig_uri"
if { $DEBUG } {
log local0.crit "Got request with sid: $sid; req-URI: $req_uri; http-request: [HTTP::uri]"
if { $orig_uri equals $req_uri } {
if { $DEBUG } {
log local0.crit "orig: $orig_uri, curr: $req_uri; got valid result from lookup and servicing request"
persist uie $sid
} else {
if we get here, we have an error
if { $DEBUG } {
log local0.crit "Persistence entry: [HTTP::cookie JSESSIONID] has URI: $orig_uri, but I got $req_uri. Request cannot be handled!"
HTTP::respond 404 "Access ForbiddenThis security violation has been logged.
switch -glob [string tolower [HTTP::uri]] {
"/client01*" {
Maintenance page redirect
"/sec_prod*" {
use pool eapp_clu01
"/sec_stage*" {
use pool stage_clu04
HTTP::header replace Server "HaloWeb"
HTTP::header replace X-Powered-By "HaloWeb Hosting Solution"
if { [HTTP::cookie exists "JSESSIONID"] and $add_persist } {
set persist_string "[HTTP::cookie JSESSIONID]:$req_uri"
set sid [HTTP::cookie JSESSIONID]
persist add uie $sid 1920
session add uie $sid $req_uri 1920
if { $DEBUG } {
log local0.crit "Create new persistence hash: $sid, stored URI: $req_uri"
set add_persist 0
if { [HTTP::header exists "Content-Length"] } {
set content_length [HTTP::header "Content-Length"]
} else {
set content_length 1
set http_response_time [clock clicks -milliseconds]
log local0. "$request_log_line - [HTTP::status] - $content_length - [expr $http_response_time - $http_request_time] - pool [LB::server pool] - node [LB::server addr]:[LB::server port]"