iControl Apps - #04 - Graceful Server Shutdown
This question comes up quite often here on DevCentral: "How can I gracefully shut down my servers for maintenance without disrupting current user sessions?". In fact, I answered this question just the other day again in the iControl forum and figured I'd throw out an application that accomplished this. So I went about writing this application to allow for the graceful shutdown of a given pool member. Of course, the application wouldn't be complete without listing the pools and members for a specified pool as well as allowing for enabling and disabling of the server so I went ahead and included those pieces as a bonus.
The arguments for this application are the address, username, and password of the BIG-IP along with optional arguments for the specified pool, pool member and enabled state. This is declared in the top of the script with the following param statement. There is also a Write-Usage function to display the arguments to the user.
param ( $g_bigip = $null, $g_uid = $null, $g_pwd = $null, $g_pool = $null, $g_member = $null, $g_mode = $null ); Set-PSDebug -strict; function Write-Usage() { Write-Host "Usage: PoolMemberControl.ps1 host uid pwd [pool [member:ip [mode = "enable"|"disable"]]]"; exit; }
As is with all of my PowerShell scripts, the initialization component will look to see if the iControlSnapIn is loaded into the current PowerShell session. If not, the Add-PSSnapIn Cmdlet is called to add the snapin into the runtime. Then a call to the Initialize-F5.iControl cmdlet to setup the connection to the BIG-IP. If this succeeds then success, then the rest of the optional arguments are processed.
If a pool name is not specified the Get-Pools function will be called to list out all of the available pools on the BIG-IP.
If a pool is specified but a member is not, then the Get-PoolMembers function will be called passing in the pool name and this function will then list the currently configured members within that pool.
If a pool as well as the pool member are specified but no enabled state is specified, the Get-PoolMemberStatus function is called in which the enabled and availablility status of the specified pool member is displayed.
If a pool, pool member, and state are specified, the Enable-Member or Disable-Member method will be called depending on whether the state is "enabled" or "disabled".
The code for this process is listed below.
#------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Do-Initialize #------------------------------------------------------------------------- function Do-Initialize() { if ( (Get-PSSnapin | Where-Object { $_.Name -eq "iControlSnapIn"}) -eq $null ) { Add-PSSnapIn iControlSnapIn } $success = Initialize-F5.iControl -HostName $g_bigip -Username $g_uid -Password $g_pwd; return $success; } #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Main Application Logic #------------------------------------------------------------------------- if ( ($g_bigip -eq $null) -or ($g_uid -eq $null) -or ($g_pwd -eq $null) ) { Write-Usage; } if ( Do-Initialize ) { if ( $g_pool -eq $null ) { Get-Pools; } elseif ( $g_member -eq $null ) { Get-PoolMembers $g_pool; } elseif ( $g_mode -eq $null ) { Get-PoolMemberStatus $g_pool $g_member; } else { switch ($g_mode.ToLower()) { "enable" { Enable-Member $g_pool $g_member; } "disable" { Disable-Member $g_pool $g_member; } default { Write-Usage; } } } } else { Write-Error "ERROR: iControl subsystem not initialized" }
Listing Pools
As mentioned above, if no pool is specified to the program, the Get-Pools function is called in which the LocalLB.Pool.get_list() method is called. This method returns a list of pool names and the function will loop through this list and write them to the console.
function Get-Pools() { $pool_list = (Get-F5.iControl).LocalLBPool.get_list(); Write-Host "Available Pools:"; foreach ($pool in $pool_list) { Write-Host " $pool"; } }
An example usage of the Get-Pools function is illustrated here:
PS C:\> .\PoolMemberControl.ps1 theboss admin admin Available Pools: xpbert-ftp pool_1 catbert-http catbert-ssh pool_2 test-pool xpbert-http xpbert-ssh
Listing Pool Members
If you don't happen the know the specific addresses of the pool members in your given pool, the application will call the Get-PoolMembers function which in turn calls the iControl LocalLB.Pool.get_member() method passing in the supplied pool name. Returned is a 2-d array of Common.IPPortDefinition structures with the first dimension corresponding to each pool name passed in (in this case just one) and the second dimension for the list of pool members for that specified pool. The function will then iterate through that array and print the results to the console.
Function Get-PoolMembers() { param($pool_name); $member_lists = (Get-F5.iControl).LocalLBPool.get_member((, $pool_name)); Write-Host "Members for Pool ${pool_name}:" foreach($member in $member_lists[0]) { $addr = $member.address; $port = $member.port; Write-Host " ${addr}:${port}" } }
The following example will list the pool members for pool "xpbert-http".
PS C:\> .\PoolMemberControl.ps1 theboss admin admin xpbert-http Members for Pool xpbert-http
Querying Pool Member Status
If your ultimate goal is to take a server out of provisioning, it's likely a good idea to know what it's current state is. By not passing in a state while passing in a pool name and member details, the application will call the local Get-PoolMemberStatus method which then calls the iControl LocalLB.PoolMember.get_object_status() method which returns a 2-D array of MemberObjectStatus structures. Packed inside there are the availability statuses, enabled statuses, and status descriptions for each of the pool members for the specified pool. This method will loop through that returned list and if it finds a match for the specified pool member, it will display the status values. If no match is found, an error is displayed.
Function Get-PoolMemberStatus() { param($pool_name, $member); $vals = $member.Split( (, ':')); $member_addr = $vals[0]; $member_port = $vals[1]; $bFound = 0; $MemberObjectStatusAofA = (Get-F5.iControl).LocalLBPoolMember.get_object_status((, $pool_name)); foreach($MemberObjectStatus in $MemberObjectStatusAofA[0]) { $a2 = $MemberObjectStatus.member.address; $p2 = $MemberObjectStatus.member.port; if ( "${member_addr}:${member_port}" -eq "${a2}:${p2}" ) { $Availability = $MemberObjectStatus.object_status.availability_status; $Enabled = $MemberObjectStatus.object_status.enabled_status; $Description = $MemberObjectStatus.object_status.status_description; Write-Host "Pool $pool_name, Member ${member_addr}:${member_port} status:" Write-Host " Availability : $Availability" Write-Host " Enabled : $Enabled" Write-Host " Description : $Description" $bFound = 1; } } if ( $bFound -eq 0 ) { Write-Host "Member ${member_addr}:${member_port} could not be found in pool $pool_name!" } }
The following command will query the state of the pool member in pool xpbert-http.
PS C:\> .\PoolMemberControl.ps1 theboss admin admin xpbert-http Pool xpbert-http, Member status: Availability : Enabled : ENABLED_STATUS_ENABLED Description : Pool member is available
Gracefully disabling a Pool Member
Now for the meat of this article: how to gracefully shutdown a pool member. If a pool name, member, and state of "disable" is passed into the application, the local Delete-Member function is called to take down the pool member. Remember that we want to "gracefully" take down the pool member so we'll want to make sure that all current sessions are allowed to run their course before the pool member is disabled for good. So, the first step is to disable any new sessions to that pool member with the LocalLB.PoolMember.set_session_enabled_state() iControl method passing in the pool and member details along with a session_state of "STATE_DISABLED". Remember, that this will not fully disable the pool member but will just stop new connections from being established.
The function then queries the current connections statistic with the LocalLB.PoolMember.get_statistics() method. The value of "STATISTIC_SERVER_SIDE_CURRENT_CONNECTIONS" is then extracted into the cur_connections variable. A loop is performed until this value is down to zero. As long as the value is greater than zero, the function sleeps for 1 second and then queries the statistic again.
Once the current connections statistic reaches zero, all current connections to the pool member have been removed so it's safe to disable it. The LocalLB.PoolMember.set_monitor_state() method is used to forcefully take down a pool member. Since there are no connections to the pool member any more a forceful take down is actually graceful to the users... Once the pool member is offline, the local Get-PoolMemberStatus function is called to query and display the current status of the pool member to make sure that it's really down.
function Disable-Member() { param($pool_name, $member); $vals = $member.Split( (, ':')); $member_addr = $vals[0]; $member_port = $vals[1]; Write-Host "Disabling Session Enabled State..."; $MemberSessionState = New-Object -TypeName iControl.LocalLBPoolMemberMemberSessionState; $MemberSessionState.member = New-Object -TypeName iControl.CommonIPPortDefinition; $MemberSessionState.member.address = $member_addr; $MemberSessionState.member.port = $member_port; $MemberSessionState.session_state = "STATE_DISABLED"; $MemberSessionStateAofA = New-Object -TypeName "iControl.LocalLBPoolMemberMemberSessionState[][]" 1,1 $MemberSessionStateAofA[0][0] = $MemberSessionState; (Get-F5.iControl).LocalLBPoolMember.set_session_enabled_state( (, $pool_name), $MemberSessionStateAofA); Write-Host "Waiting for current connections to drop to zero..." $MemberDef = New-Object -TypeName iControl.CommonIPPortDefinition; $MemberDef.address = $member_addr; $MemberDef.port = $member_port; $MemberDefAofA = New-Object -TypeName "iControl.CommonIPPortDefinition[][]" 1,1 $MemberDefAofA[0][0] = $MemberDef; $cur_connections = 1; while ( $cur_connections -gt 0 ) { $MemberStatisticsA = (Get-F5.iControl).LocalLBPoolMember.get_statistics( (, $pool_name), $MemberDefAofA); $MemberStatisticEntry = $MemberStatisticsA[0].statistics[0]; $Statistics = $MemberStatisticEntry.statistics; foreach ($Statistic in $Statistics) { $type = $Statistic.type; $value = $Statistic.value; if ( $type -eq "STATISTIC_SERVER_SIDE_CURRENT_CONNECTIONS" ) { # just use the low value. Odds are there aren't over 2^32 current connections. # If your site is this big, you'll have to convert this to a 64 bit number. $cur_connections = $value.low; Write-Host "Current Connections: $cur_connections" } } Start-Sleep -s 1 } Write-Host "Disabling Monitor State..."; $MemberMonitorState = New-Object -TypeName iControl.LocalLBPoolMemberMemberMonitorState; $MemberMonitorState.member = New-Object -TypeName iControl.CommonIPPortDefinition; $MemberMonitorState.member.address = $member_addr; $MemberMonitorState.member.port = $member_port; $MemberMonitorState.monitor_state = "STATE_DISABLED"; $MemberMonitorStateAofA = New-Object -TypeName "iControl.LocalLBPoolMemberMemberMonitorState[][]" 1,1 $MemberMonitorStateAofA[0][0] = $MemberMonitorState; (Get-F5.iControl).LocalLBPoolMember.set_monitor_state( (, $pool_name), $MemberMonitorStateAofA); Get-PoolMemberStatus $pool_name $member }
The following command will disable pool member from pool xpbert-http gracefully by first stopping new connections, then waiting until the connection count drops to zero, and then fully disabling the pool member.
PS C:\> .\PoolMemberControl.ps1 theboss admin admin xpbert-http disable Disabling Session Enabled State... Waiting for current connections to drop to zero... Current Connections: 50 Current Connections: 47 Current Connections: 47 Current Connections: 0 Disabling Monitor State... Pool xpbert-http, Member status: Availability : AVAILABILITY_STATUS_RED Enabled : ENABLED_STATUS_DISABLED Description : Forced down
Enabling a Pool Member
Now that your server maintenance is performed, you'll likely want to put the pool member back into rotation. This can be done by passing the application the pool name, member name, and a state of "enable". When this is done, the local Enable-Member function is called that basically reverses the Disable-Member functions actions. It first set's the monitor state to "STATE_ENABLED" and then enables new connections by calling the LocalLB.PoolMember.set_session_enabled_state() iControl method with the "STATE_ENABLED" value as well. After the pool is enabled, the Get-PoolMemberStatus function is called to make sure that it is in fact re-enabled.
function Enable-Member() { param($pool_name, $member); $vals = $member.Split( (, ':')); $member_addr = $vals[0]; $member_port = $vals[1]; $MemberMonitorState = New-Object -TypeName iControl.LocalLBPoolMemberMemberMonitorState; $MemberMonitorState.member = New-Object -TypeName iControl.CommonIPPortDefinition; $MemberMonitorState.member.address = $member_addr; $MemberMonitorState.member.port = $member_port; $MemberMonitorState.monitor_state = "STATE_ENABLED"; $MemberMonitorStateAofA = New-Object -TypeName "iControl.LocalLBPoolMemberMemberMonitorState[][]" 1,1 $MemberMonitorStateAofA[0][0] = $MemberMonitorState; Write-Host "Setting Montior State to Enabled"; (Get-F5.iControl).LocalLBPoolMember.set_monitor_state( (, $pool_name), $MemberMonitorStateAofA); $MemberSessionState = New-Object -TypeName iControl.LocalLBPoolMemberMemberSessionState; $MemberSessionState.member = New-Object -TypeName iControl.CommonIPPortDefinition; $MemberSessionState.member.address = $member_addr; $MemberSessionState.member.port = $member_port; $MemberSessionState.session_state = "STATE_ENABLED"; $MemberSessionStateAofA = New-Object -TypeName "iControl.LocalLBPoolMemberMemberSessionState[][]" 1,1 $MemberSessionStateAofA[0][0] = $MemberSessionState; Write-Host "Setting Session Enabled State to Enabled"; (Get-F5.iControl).LocalLBPoolMember.set_session_enabled_state( (, $pool_name), $MemberSessionStateAofA); Get-PoolMemberStatus $pool_name $member }
The following command will re-enable the pool member from pool xpbert-http by enabling the monitor state and allowing new connections.
PS C:\> .\PoolMemberControl.ps1 theboss admin admin xpbert-http enable Setting Montior State to Enabled Setting Session Enabled State to Enabled Pool xpbert-http, Member status: Availability : AVAILABILITY_STATUS_GREEN Enabled : ENABLED_STATUS_ENABLED Description : Pool member is available
While this application was written in PowerShell, the logic should transfer to any development language you choose to use. You now have the tools you need to automate the maintenance of your application servers.
The code for this application can be found in the iControl CodeShare wiki under PsPoolMemberControl.
- Infinity05_1794
When I run this script myself I can return all the pools but it won't return any of the members of the pools. Specifically, the line " $member_lists = (Get-F5.iControl).LocalLBPool.get_member((, $pool_name));" in the "Get-PoolMembers" function doesn't seem to be returning anything. - What version of PowerShell are you using? Also, can you verify that the value in $pool_name is correct before making the call? The get-f5.ltmpoolmember cmdlet is a wrapper for the LocalLB.Pool.get_member method in the PowerShell cmdlet library so they should be functionally equivalent.
- Infinity05_1794
PS M:\> $host.version - What happens if you try this out?
- Infinity05_1794
That worked. I figured out the problem on my end... user error. I didn't realize the pool name was case sensitive. Thanks for your help! - Whew, I was trying to figure out what the next step was on this one. Yes, all object names are case sensitive as they are in the BIG-IP CLI and GUI.
- Jon_106645
Does this script , handle health monitor checks against the service... I.e:"Pool member has been marked down by a monitor" - @Jon - The script doesn't deal with health monitors. It just goes through the shutdown process without truncating existing connections.
- MR_PB_70911
Great coding. Any way i can use this to disable the pool member just by entering poolmembername and then disables it in every pool it´s listed. - Tom_Verdi_93480
Any chance you can take a node out of service globally instead of having to do it on a pool by pool basis? For patching, our OPs group has batches of servers they remove from service, wait for draining and then patch them. Is there a good PS script that would take a batch of servers and take them OOS at the node level and then put them back in when ready?