Proxy Protocol Receiver
Published Sep 02, 2015
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Hi everyone,
Using F5 on AWS, I encountered an issue using a Network Load Balancer and therefore ProxyProtocol V2. AWS also specified in the header the id of the vpc endpoint therefore, line 34, the shift of 28 octets is wrong. I had to read the content of the 15th and 16th octets which indicates the size of this payload (variable in size):
binary scan [TCP::payload] @13H2S v2_addressFamilyTransportProtocol v2_remainderLen1
and add this to the size of the initial payload (16 octets):
set v2_remainderLen "[expr {$v2_remainderLen1 & 0xffff}]"
set v2_payloadindex "[expr $v2_remainderLen + 16]"
log "Shift de : $v2_payloadshift"
TCP::payload replace 0 $v2_payloadindex ""
Please forgive my TCL, this is my first time 🙂