Proxy Protocol Receiver
Problem this snippet solves: iRule for BIG-IP to receive PROXY protocol (v1 and v2) header in TCP Payload and remove it before forwarding remaining TCP Payload to server side pool member. How to us...
Published Sep 02, 2015
Version 1.0Chad_Jenison
Joined May 13, 2008
Joined May 13, 2008
Jun 15, 2018Hi everyone,
Using F5 on AWS, I encountered an issue using a Network Load Balancer and therefore ProxyProtocol V2. AWS also specified in the header the id of the vpc endpoint therefore, line 34, the shift of 28 octets is wrong. I had to read the content of the 15th and 16th octets which indicates the size of this payload (variable in size):
binary scan [TCP::payload] @13H2S v2_addressFamilyTransportProtocol v2_remainderLen1
and add this to the size of the initial payload (16 octets):
set v2_remainderLen "[expr {$v2_remainderLen1 & 0xffff}]"
set v2_payloadindex "[expr $v2_remainderLen + 16]"
log "Shift de : $v2_payloadshift"
TCP::payload replace 0 $v2_payloadindex ""
Please forgive my TCL, this is my first time 🙂