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Plumtree_72679's avatar
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Jul 21, 2011

WLS: Advanced Monitoring with F5 Questions




Have any of you done deeper integration with WebLogic Application Server, than described in the official manual?



WLS has a 'yellow light' state called OVERLOADED, in which a server instance whose life cycle state is RUNNING, experiences a low memory condition. The WLS instances start rejecting requests.



We have just experienced requests still going from the F5 to a WLS server in state OVERLOADED. This was reflected in the end user expericence. Have tried both TCP & HTTP health monitors; however an HTTP monitor will happily return a web page with WLS in OVERLOADED, whilst transaction processing has ceased.



Bottom line is that I want to make yellow light in WLS map to yellow light on the F5, anybody know how?





Robert Wagner


  • We have created our own monitor addition to the application that F5 monitor uses to identify problems - monitores cpu load, states of wls, running states etc. So if the WLS is rejecting requests to the monitoring applet or the reported states are not as described, the node state is set down. When the monitor is down, the irule knows which was the session replica server and forwarded next requests to the second server. So if the node is set down, then only active connections are allowed, when some connections are released and wls is not overloaded anymore, the f5 monitor request sets the node to the active state.
  • Posted By Erki Märks on 07/21/2011 11:14 PM


    We have created our own monitor addition to the application that F5 monitor uses to identify problems - monitores cpu load, states of wls, running states etc. So if the WLS is rejecting requests to the monitoring applet or the reported states are not as described, the node state is set down. When the monitor is down, the irule knows which was the session replica server and forwarded next requests to the second server. So if the node is set down, then only active connections are allowed, when some connections are released and wls is not overloaded anymore, the f5 monitor request sets the node to the active state.



    Hi Erki!!, You can share the applicattion