Forum Discussion

Alen_Ismic_1869's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Feb 12, 2015

Wildcard Certificate

Hello,   I need to set up SSL certificates on multiple subdomains (more than 10) on one domain name. So I actually need Wildcard SSL certificate, and then I choosed Thawte Wildcard SSL certificate...
  • Hannes_Rapp_162's avatar
    Feb 12, 2015

    Assuming all your sub-domains are first-level, you're good to go with the wildcard certificate. Just don't include any sub-domains (SANs) with your purchase requests, you really don't have to, and it might be the reason you received misleading information from them. Any first-level sub-domains will automatically be covered by the wildcard certificate.


    With a wildcard certificate, your second-level sub-domains will not be covered (e.g. ""); neither will "" be covered.


    I recommend reading the information here to learn more about wildcards & sub-domains: