Jun 09, 2011Nimbostratus
where does my iRule log to?
Hi folks,
I'm trying to figure out where does my iRile log to. I have a simple iRule attached to vserver on LTM 9.4.8:
Log messages to /var/log/ltm? (0=no, 1=yes)
log local0. "In client accepted ..."
When I run the traffic thru, I don't see any of the log files updated in /var/log/. If, I however, put smth stupid in the file, like log banana, /var/log/ltm gets updated with an error message:
[Invalid syslog level - bad facility: banana] [log banana. "In client accepted ..."]
The syslog-ng.conf has entry local0. which actually points to /var/log/ltm commented out. Might that be a reason?
Any help is appreciated.