Forum Discussion

schusb's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Aug 28, 2018

What's the purpose of the catch block in an ASM_REQUEST_BLOCKING scenario

We're returning custom ASM-error pages by using an irule whose initial structure follows the principle of the article ASM_REQUEST_BLOCKING.


Some month ago i decided to remove the last block 'when HTTP_RESPONSE_RELEASE'. Today i temporarily re-added it and was quite surprised about the log entries. Although the irule works as expected, the content of the catch block is getting executed.


How do i identify the typ of the exception thrown by the irule? And what action should it take in this case, since everything works fine?


  • You can use the more complete form of catch to return the resulting error:

    if { [catch {
            do only if  previous was event ASM_REQUEST_BLOCKING
            if { $activeViolation } {
                modify respose header
                HTTP::header remove Content-Length
                HTTP::header insert header_1 value_1
        } err] } {
        log local0. "Error is ${err}"
