Forum Discussion
Feb 08, 2012webdav access using hostname only - no FQDN
we have our intranet hosted via F5 LTM and to keep the old links working, the dns is configured with a hostname only, not FQDN. On the F5 LTM, there in an iRule redirecting http://hostname traffic to
The scenario above works for all browser based http traffic. But existing http://hostname type webdav shortcuts are not working.
new webdav connections that use FQDN are working fine though.
Anyone tried to achieve this in the past? Any help/suggestion is much appreciated
- nitass
is webdav request using hostname only not working because irule redirection? - FAZ_79699
Thanks for the response. - nitass
can you try something like this?when HTTP_REQUEST { switch [HTTP::method] { "MOVE" - "COPY" - "LOCK" - "UNLOCK" - "PROPFIND" - "PROPPATCH" - "MKCOL" { HTTP::disable return } } if {[string tolower [HTTP::host]] equals "hostname"}{ HTTP::redirect "[HTTP::uri]" } }
- FAZ_79699
Earlier I had two iRules - one for redirection and the other for detecting webdav methods and Disabling HTTP Processing. With your advise, I assumed we are trying to both in one iRule. So I kept only above iRule in the Virtual Server - still the same result - hostname based webdavs are not working. - nitass
Earlier I had two iRules - one for redirection and the other for detecting webdav methods and Disabling HTTP Processing.can you post your original irules? - FAZ_79699
Sure... below is the only iRule applied to the VS at the moment - FAZ_79699
Quick update. Below solution devised by Auz works fine - nitass
thanks for update.
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