Forum Discussion

FAZ_79699's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Feb 08, 2012

webdav access using hostname only - no FQDN

we have our intranet hosted via F5 LTM and to keep the old links working, the dns is configured with a hostname only, not FQDN. On the F5 LTM, there in an iRule redirecting http://hostname traffic to



The scenario above works for all browser based http traffic. But existing http://hostname type webdav shortcuts are not working.



new webdav connections that use FQDN are working fine though.



Anyone tried to achieve this in the past? Any help/suggestion is much appreciated




  • is webdav request using hostname only not working because irule redirection?



    if so, may we detect webdav using HTTP::method and skip the redirection?



    How do I detect a web dav request?

  • Thanks for the response.



    Kinda Yes, FQDN is working and only hostname based webdav shortcuts are not working. May be because of the redirect. But, both FQDN and only hostname based webdav shortcuts are working when go direct (not via F5)



    I have tried HTTP::disable, reject and "event all disable" with no luck.
  • Earlier I had two iRules - one for redirection and the other for detecting webdav methods and Disabling HTTP Processing. With your advise, I assumed we are trying to both in one iRule. So I kept only above iRule in the Virtual Server - still the same result - hostname based webdavs are not working.



    Secondly, browser based redirection of hostname to FQDN stopped working... Earlier hostname based webdavs were the only problem...
  • Earlier I had two iRules - one for redirection and the other for detecting webdav methods and Disabling HTTP Processing.can you post your original irules?
  • Sure... below is the only iRule applied to the VS at the moment





    HTTP::enable }



    when HTTP_REQUEST {


    switch [HTTP::method] {


    "MOVE" -


    "COPY" -


    "LOCK" -


    "UNLOCK" -


    "PROPFIND" -




    "MKCOL" {











    if {[string tolower [HTTP::host]] equals "only-hostname"} {


    HTTP::redirect "[HTTP::uri]" }


  • Quick update. Below solution devised by Auz works fine