Forum Discussion

fkuser_104673's avatar
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Nov 10, 2009

WEB UIO Remote Autentication

What happens if remote autentication is defined to access to the Web UI and it fails?



I mean, as example, the remote RADIUS server is nos responding. The local user database is used? or it just fails?



This doesn't found anything related about this situation. Anybody knows the behaviour?




6 Replies

  • If the remote server isn't available, then the authentication fails. Only locally authenticated accounts (root/admin) would be granted access.



  • And if exists more accounts locally defined in the BIG-IP LTM, is possible to use that users?
  • As far as I'm aware, admin and root are the only accounts that can be authenticated locally if remote admin auth is configured. The other users won't have a password defined and so couldn't be authenticated locally. I haven't tested this lately, but that's my understanding. If you do end up testing this, could you confirm or correct this?





  • Ok!



    Thanks for your fast answer. I'm going to try this, I have 8 users locally defined and in fact with passwords stored. I will define the remote server and then I will test the acces with that users.



    I'll tell you the results.



    Thanks for your fast answer!
  • That is my understanding as well, Hoolio. The root/admin accounts work at all times on BIG-IP, whereas in most environments I've utilized AAA, the local accounts are only available if the remote access server is inaccessible.
  • Yep, I just did a quick test on 10.0.1 and found that the user in the bigip.conf seems to be maintained (including the password) when you switch from local to remote admin auth. But with a non-existent auth server no one but root/admin can log in. Upon switching back to local auth, the pre-existing user accounts worked again.


