Forum Discussion

Subrun's avatar
Icon for Cirrostratus rankCirrostratus
Feb 29, 2020

Warning while running tmsh load sys config verify

Hello , I ran "tmsh load sys config verify" before code upgrade of an HA having LTM, APM , ASM running on it.


No idea about 2 warning shown below. How to fix it before Code Upgrade ? Or with this Warning can I still proceed for Code upgrade ?


Validating configuration...






There were warnings:

/Common/SSl-Debug:28: warning: [The following errors were not caught before. Please correct the script in order to avoid future disruption. "unexpected end of arguments;expected argument spec:PROC_SCRIPT"1592 798][proc flowid-gen {

       # Find the name of this Virtual Server, minus the partition/path.


       # Use these for the short VIP name

       set vipsplit "[split "[virtual name]" /]"

       set vipname "[lindex $vipsplit end]"

       # Use this instead for the VIP name including partition path

       #set vipname [virtual name]


       # Start an event counter

       set eventnum 1


       # Mark the start time and create a unique ID for this flow

       set flowtime "[clock clicks]"

       set flowid "slot[TMM::cmp_group]/tmm[TMM::cmp_unit]-$flowtime"

# this return left in iffy state due to no proc calls from flow_init experimentation

       return "$vipname $flowid $flowtime $eventnum"


/Common/SSl-Debug:137: warning: [The following errors were not caught before. Please correct the script in order to avoid future disruption. "unexpected end of arguments;expected argument spec:PROC_SCRIPT"10855 57][proc test {

       log -noname "test happened!"



In profile access (/Common/, duplicate log destination (/Common/local-db) is found with configured publishers (/Common/sys-db-access-publisher) and (/Common/sys-db-access-publisher).


In profile access (/Common/, duplicate log destination (/Common/local-syslog) is found with configured publishers (/Common/sys-db-access-publisher) and (/Common/sys-db-access-publisher).


In profile access (/Common/, duplicate log destination (/Common/local-db) is found with configured publishers (/Common/sys-db-access-publisher) and (/Common/sys-db-access-publisher).


In profile access (/Common/, duplicate log destination (/Common/local-syslog) is found with configured publishers (/Common/sys-db-access-publisher) and (/Common/sys-db-access-publisher).


  • From my experience you can just ignore the 'duplicate log destination' warnings.


    Regarding the iRule, why not store it offline (notepad) and delete it before you do the upgrade as it seems to be a debug iRule anyway. You can add it again after the upgrade if needed.

  • Subrun's avatar
    Icon for Cirrostratus rankCirrostratus

    Thank You for your reply, But does it say which iRule it is ? I do not see whats the iRule name here I should Look for.