Sep 29, 2011Nimbostratus
WA behaving differnt depending on VS
Hi AllWebAccelerator memory Smart Cache*the date and expire have the correct 30 expire which i have set in the lifetime*cache-control has public maxage setThe only thing i can see different from a http watch on the Front End compared to the Back End is the the connection keep-alive header is missing.USER----[FE VS (WA)]--lb--[AUTH]--route---[BE VS]------vlan----[SERVER]
I am currently having an issue with WA returning 304 for specific content when moved to another VS. My architecture [see diagram below] is normally that WA is applied on a "Front End" VS, traffic is LBed through to an authenication device (3rd Party, and have check it is not stripping http headers) which routes the authenicated user through to the "Backend VS" doing basic LB to the server for content.
This setup works great, however in this model we have internal and external facing VS so the WA must handle the user interaction twice, so I have tried to move the WA to the "Backend VS" but once I do this some content is returned as a 304, when normally it is not.
This content is
Originally with WA on Front End VS I did recieve issues like this due to lifetime setting not set correctly which was resolved. I cant find a reason for this to be differnet if i move the WA to the Back End.
By using irule looking and httpwatch
*I can see the the http host name is being passed
*the uri info is being passed
*pvinfo shows the data is coming from the correct tree location, and beinfg serverd from
Any help would be appreciated.