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tbelliard_90559's avatar
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Jul 13, 2011

Visual Studio Web Load Test

Hi, I need to run web load test on SharePoint Foundation 2010 with Visual Studio Ultimate 2010 through BIG-IP Edge Gateway. Load agents and controler are not in the domain, Load Agent service have to run with the account that connect to Sharepoint. I'm looking for a "how-to" because Load Agent should stay connected with the controler. Active X is installed, I've domain account and certificat requested. Any input is accepted. Thanks in advance BR


  • mikeshimkus_111's avatar
    Historic F5 Account


    Is it correct that your load agents can connect through the EDGE to Sharepoint, but lose connection after a while and need to reauthenticate?




  • Hello,


    no I currently haven't tested and I was asking for a tutorial or how-to if exist.


  • mikeshimkus_111's avatar
    Historic F5 Account
    We don't have a guide for this specific scenario, but there is one available for deploying SharePoint with APM here:



    I suspect you might want to modify the APM session timeout settings (in Access Policy>Properties) to allow your agent to remain connected for the duration of your testing.
  • Hi, obviously I have an issue with the session when I try to replay it. Message I get from web test : provided client data is invalid ! checkToken() failed - token is expired (delta=36414). How can I get ride of it ?



    Best regards.



    PS APM is not an critical issue.
  • mikeshimkus_111's avatar
    Historic F5 Account
    I did find this in the KB:



    Are both your client and F5 synchronized with an NTP server?
  • Now it's OK for the token. THe issue is different by now. I have a message telling You+must+enable+cookies+to+logon. And this apperas only when I replay the webtest with visual studio.. on the same PC I allow all cookies from the tested web site

