Virtual Servers not auto discovered by GTM from other LTMs
I am facing quite an issue that after implementing GTM with other LTMs (tested on 2 pairs) everything seems ok but after adding LTMs (and authenticate SSL certificates by bigip_add successfully) , they turn green in my DC but virtual servers not discovered , auto discovery is enabled , NTP tested on all devices , debug coming from iqdump shows the virtual servers coming between the <config> tags but apparently the GTM is not saving them, oh and yes virtual servers have their NAT removed from both the virtual server and the enable translation option
i tested it on the other pair and no result , tried telnet to port 43xx (something) and it connects (but does not echo anything just connects then closes
GTM general setting for sync is ofcourse enabled along side auto discovery
do i need to create pools? on GTM? VLANs matching LTMs?? it beats the purpose but i want to know what i am missing