Sep 23, 2011Nimbostratus
Virtual server create fails silently
iControl newbie programming in java just trying to create a virtual server. Have code that creates a pool with members just fine but next step of creating vs with the pool does not throw an exception but does not work. Looking at the UI the pool is there but not the vs.
My code looks similar to this blog post (which I found later):
I have tried different wildmasks, too, no luck.
iControl.CommonVirtualServerDefinition[] defs = { new iControl.CommonVirtualServerDefinition(
name, address, port, iControl.CommonProtocolType.PROTOCOL_TCP) };
String[] wildmasks = {};
iControl.LocalLBVirtualServerVirtualServerResource[] rscs = { new iControl.LocalLBVirtualServerVirtualServerResource(
poolname) };
iControl.LocalLBVirtualServerVirtualServerProfile[][] profiles = { { new iControl.LocalLBVirtualServerVirtualServerProfile(
profile) } };
interfaces.getLocalLBVirtualServer().create(defs, wildmasks, rscs,
BIG-IP: 10.1.0 Build 3402.56 Engineering Hotfix HF2
iControl java client: 10.2.0
Any help appreciated. Thanks.