Forum Discussion

shadow82's avatar
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Dec 21, 2022

VIP with URL domain changeable?


I have recently built HTTPS VIP in domain (for example) and got a request to prepare to switch it to domain

Which profile setting should I look for to build vip: https://vip and attach... "domain profile(?)" to use it in this or that domain?

I'm aware that 2 SSL Client profiles with dedicated certs will be necessary, just asking about domain part in URL to make it switchable.

Question regards F5 Big-IP VE 16.1.3

  • your VIP is HTTPS and has an IP. A DNS entry is pointing to your VIP IP. You will need of course a new DNS entry(new domain) for the vip.

    If you want this VIP to serve a different domain you need a new SSL profile for the new domain.

    Also if you have irules specific for the old domain you might need to change them also or have new irules for the vip. This is case you have irules that match the domain name

  • your VIP is HTTPS and has an IP. A DNS entry is pointing to your VIP IP. You will need of course a new DNS entry(new domain) for the vip.

    If you want this VIP to serve a different domain you need a new SSL profile for the new domain.

    Also if you have irules specific for the old domain you might need to change them also or have new irules for the vip. This is case you have irules that match the domain name

    • Leslie_Hubertus's avatar
      Ret. Employee

      shadow82 - I'm going to mark mihaic's response as the accepted solution. If it didn't work for you, please let me know and I'll revoke that change.