Forum Discussion

Jonathan_Scholi's avatar
Icon for Cirrostratus rankCirrostratus
Oct 15, 2012

Version 11.2 synchronize_to_group_v2 problem

When I try to use the 11.2 method synchronize_to_group_v2 as follows:


configSyncStub.synchronize_to_group_v2("/Common/sync", "", true);


I get the error:




Exception: Common::OperationFailed


primary_error_code : 16908342 (0x01020036)


secondary_error_code : 0


error_string : The local device was not found


Why would the local device not be found?



2 Replies

  • John_Gruber_432's avatar
    Historic F5 Account
    Make sure you are in the /Common folder. The local device doesn't exist in /, but it does in /Common. If this is your problem, there is already a ticket open requesting the iControl be fixed to understand this and not require the iControl user to figure this out.