Forum Discussion

AVF_7351's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Nov 22, 2013

Vary: User-Agent and compression for HTTP 1.0



We're running BIG-IP 10.2.0 and with the default "http" profile, it adds a "Vary: User-Agent, Accept-Encoding" header to responses that it compresses.


To disable this behaviour, it's enough to set "compress-allow-http-10" to "enabled". It will then generate "Vary: Accept-Encoding" headers, with no User-Agent. "Vary: User-Agent" is highly undesirable for us as we want to put a cache in front out our F5s.


So, what effects does this setting have besides (obviously) allowing compression with HTTP 1.0 and "fixing" the Vary header? I'm asking because the latter seems to me rather counter-intuitive, and I'm wondering what other tricks that setting might have up its sleeve.


Also, why is this setting disabled by default?


Is it safe to just turn on? Has anyone seen any adverse affects from doing so?


Thanks in advance!




2 Replies

  • Hi,


    It seems a little late answer, but I as doing some performance tests with ab(apache benchmark). And it only support HTTP/1.0 request, and that why I have to enable the setting on the F5. All the performance tests failed after enabling this setting. Hope this helps.


  • I've opened a technical support case asking the same questions, but I've yet to hear back from them.