Forum Discussion
Mar 09, 2010v9.4.5 external monitor not running
I'm having issues running an external monitor. The code has been copied over from a v4 box and the paths and syntax amended to try and make it work with v9. I didn't write the...
Mar 11, 2010
I think your script is expecting for a pool name as the third argument. By default, ltm is only passing 2 arguments (IP and port number):
$poolname = $ARGV[2];
You can add additional argument to the monitor. Try comparing the monitor setting from your v4.
-I added the line ...
$poolname = $ARGV[2]; the script to try and allow it to be passed the poolname (this is because of the way in v4 you could disable a node as x.x.x.x:port whereas in v9 you can only bring down a node as x.x.x.x. To specify the port in v9, you also need to say what pool it is in.
I now call the script with 3 arguments, ip, port and poolname.
Was I supposed to add something else to the script to get it to accept the 3 arguments?
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