V9.2.1 to 10.2.1 active/passive
Hi fellows , I am planning to upgrade
pair of bigIp LTM v9.2.1 to v10.2.1 setup in active/passive.
following are steps I consider to
perform Please share me your thoughts if some point/step if missing or
important to consider
1-Remove the passive unit from Active/Passive
setup (HA is setup through serial cable).Disconnect it from active unit. Make
sure all traffic still continue through active unit.
2- Copy the following files to
/shared/images to passive unit :
3- Start installation
4- After Installation, from the
webGUI check the status of the virtual servers,
pools and pool members and check
that the configuration includes any configured iRule,
SSL certificates and profiles those
were present prior to the upgrade.
5- Copy the following files to
/shared/images on same passive unit:
6- Start installation
7- After Installation, from the webGUI
check the status of the virtual servers, pools and pool members and
check that the configuration
includes any configured iRule, SSL certificates and profiles that were present
prior to the upgrade.
Once passive unit is upgraded
with v10.2.1 replace it with Active unit. will check the flow
of traffic through v10.2.1 for
some time if everything goes fine then we will repeat the above similar
steps for second unit (Active one)
& after that we will setup both units in similar Active/Passive units.
Please confirm one question:
As unit contain two H.D1.1 &
1.2 Current software is install on H.D1.1, If I install new image on H.D1.2 and
keep safe old image.Though this I can achieve dual software on single
H.D1.2= V10.2.1