Forum Discussion

James_124570's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Sep 02, 2015

using Rest API to grab OIDs from F5 LTM

Hi everyone,


We would like to build a website that shows the server nodes and and enabled or disabled. I know the F5 has MIBs that has these stats. What would be the best way to call them into an API solution?






  • Thank you for your reply CBohannan. I have spending a lot of time on this project and found something. If I run this call: ip_address?$select=session


    The results I get is if the node is enabled or disabled.


  • https://localhost/mgmt/tm/ltm/node?


    You will have to do some parsing to get the "session":"" information from the response....but this seems like what you are asking for?