Forum Discussion

leo_song's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Feb 21, 2023

Using Journeys to migration to rSeries

I plan to use Journeys to migrate i7500 15.1.x to r5900 15.1.x. I managed to deploy the .ucs file to the new r5900 series (with a different mgmt IP address) successfully. 

The "Deployment UCS" is successful but all the post migration diagnostics failed. I would like to run through all of those diagnostics to discover any potential migration errors or mistakes. 

I do not know where to check the Journeys logs or the rSeries log to figure out why the diagnostics tasks failed. Can anyone help me here? Thanks.






  • Hi leo_song,

    Rseries has the same Tmos SOS at the tenants Level, so you can find any error in the /var/log/ltm, off course if you have other modules you have to review the specific folder for example for asm /var/log/asm.

    use commands like 

    tmsh load sys config verify

    To validate the load config and

    tailf /var/log/ltm

    to review the logs in real time.

    hope it´s work.



  • Hi leo_song,

    Rseries has the same Tmos SOS at the tenants Level, so you can find any error in the /var/log/ltm, off course if you have other modules you have to review the specific folder for example for asm /var/log/asm.

    use commands like 

    tmsh load sys config verify

    To validate the load config and

    tailf /var/log/ltm

    to review the logs in real time.

    hope it´s work.



    • leo_song's avatar
      Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus

      Thanks, somehow it worked at the primary unit and failed at the secondary unit. But it's good for me and I can move forward.


  • Hi Leo_Song,

    You can see the r Series hardware level logs as follows:

    The system logs events to the appliance.log file located in the log/host directory

    appliance-1# file list path log/host
    appliance-1# file show log/host/boot.log
    appliance-1# file tail -f log/host/appliance.log

    View health information about system components.
    show system health components component [ appliance | drive-slot-1 | drive-slot-2 | fantray | lcd | psu-1 | psu-2 ] [ firmware | hardware | services ] <hardware-identifier>
    The available components might vary depending on hardware model.

    This example shows the high-level hardware state for the fan tray:
    appliance-1# show system health components component fantray hardware state
    appliance/hardware/fantray Fan Tray ok info

    This example shows a power supply unit (PSU) redundancy fault:
    appliance-1# show system alarms | tab
    65793 psu-1 ERROR PSU fault detected 2022-06-01-11:11:11.999825828 UTC

    Generate a QKView file.
    system diagnostics qkview capture exclude-cores { false | true } filename <filename> maxcoresize <size> maxfilesize <size> timeout <time>

    Check the status of the QKView generation process.
    system diagnostics qkview status
    A summary similar to this example displays:
    appliance-1(config)# system diagnostics qkview status
    result {"Busy":true,"Percent":12,"Status":"collecting","Message":"Collecting Data","Filename":"client-qkview"}

    resultint 0

    For a very detail  rSeries Diagnostics kindly refer below

    Hope that helps to the other viewers as well
