Forum Discussion
- suttonscEmployee
In v15, when creating a policy you can set the "Policy Template" to "API Security" and then upload the Swagger file via "OpenAPI (Swagger) File" -> "Upload File"
- Frank_ThiasEmployee
Please note that Swagger import is only available for Advanced WAF. The configuration is straight forward. Just import the file. Afterwards Advanced WAF can enforce the API-Endpoint structure including HTTP methods and parameters.
- aalzohimeelNimbostratus
is it possible to have multiple Swagger files added to the policy?
- YsiakAltostratus
No, you can not have multiple swagger files in one ASM Policy. You could merge all API settings to one swagger file (this is not a copy-paste thing), or use multiple ASM Policies where each includes one swagger file for one API service/microservice then match them properly in LTM policy or Irule based on URL (application context)