Using a swagger file to create an ASM policy for an API in BIG IP Ver-15
Hi, I had heard that in BIG IP Ver15 that you could create an ASM policy for an API using the swagger file for the that API. Can anyone point me in the direction of the documentation on this? We have just upgraded a TEST system to Ver15 and I want to use the swagger file I have to create the policy for the API. Thank you2.8KViews0likes4CommentsAdvWAF, OpenAPI - how to update security profile as APIs are added?
Hi - We have an integration in which we want to create a security profile via Guided Configuration for an API server, and plan on importing the OpenAPI specification as the starting point. But - this server will be adding more APIs on a regular basis for the foreseeable future ... and it's not clear to us how we can add new APIs to the security policy. The documentation on importing an OpenAPI spec says that all of the APIs supported by the virtual server involved must be described ... what is the procedure to add single APIs, one by one as they become relevant, over time? Thank you!963Views1like3Comments