Forum Discussion

Giannis's avatar
Icon for Altostratus rankAltostratus
Aug 12, 2021

Username field is blank on BIG IQ APM session summary


Hello All,


I'm facing a weird issue. On the BIG IQ under Monitoring > Dashboards > Access > Sessions > Sessions Summary the username field on the table is blank.


I also noticed that the data collection configuration settings are not available (the configure buttons are grayed out).


I looked up for bugs and known issues but i couldn't find anything related to this. Have you encountered something similar?



  • Hi Giannis,


    It looks like the logging traffic is not making its way to the BigIQ. If you are still having the problem, can you tell a bit more about your environment?

    • How many DCD's have you got configured?
    • Is the logging service activated for Access/APM?
    • Can you see that logging for APM is configured on the BigIP?
    • Can you do a tcpdump on the BigIP and DCD to confirm that the log messages are sent and received?
  • Hi Alex,


    So i managed to resolve this issue by removing and re-creating the logging profile on the BIG-IP devices. After that, the username field was populated once again.


    About the data collection configuration settings that were unavailable, i had to recreate the cluster in order to solve it. It seems like something went wrong with elasticsearch, but i'm not sure why.


    Just for reference, lll the appliances were on version

    • AlexBCT's avatar
      Icon for Cumulonimbus rankCumulonimbus

      Hi Giannis,


      Glad to hear you got it sorted! - it sounds like the classic "turning off and on again" did the trick ;)

      They've made further improvements to the stability of the Elastic search system in BigIQ version 8, so if you can, might be a good time to update to the latest version of 8.1.

  • Hi Alex,


    That's what i'm planning to do. Thanks for your help.

  • Hello,


    I have a similar problem, On the BIG IQ under Monitoring > Dashboards > Access > Sessions > Sessions Summary some usernames fields is blank . But on the session Details I have two rows one with the right value of the username and one with no value. Its seems the Big-IQ reeds the wrong row with no value.  Also on APM > Sessions Summary> Session Details   we have the same two rows  one with value and one with no value but APM can read properly the right row.


    Have you encountered something similar.



    • AlexBCT's avatar
      Icon for Cumulonimbus rankCumulonimbus

      Hi Christos,


      What's the chance that the lines WITH the username and the lines WITHOUT the usernames are connected to two different APM policies? And any chance that the lines without information are from a SAML / OAuth enabled virtual server? (as they don't record user information)


      If so, have a look if you have a DCD logging profile configured for both those policies; it may be that only one of the policies (the one without the information) has the DCD logging policy configured, and therefore the other one is not sending any information to the BigIQ.


      Hope this helps.