Forum Discussion

Robert_47833's avatar
Icon for Altostratus rankAltostratus
Apr 19, 2012

use icrontrol to generate dashboard

Hi,dear iControl



I need to use iControl for another team to do some simple operation in a dashboard


how to achieve this?


I am freshman in iControl



1: iControl need to provide API to application,right?


where can I find this api



2:how to do right control? for example I 'd like to let one user only can access to specific pool and VS


  • hoolio's avatar
    Icon for Cirrostratus rankCirrostratus
    Hi Jucao,



    You can check the iControl Codeshare for some examples to start with:






    For general iControl info you can start here:




    To download the iControl.dll, check here. It’s under Release\iControl.dll, part of the icontrol assembly downloads here:




    To download the iControl SDK, check here:




  • Hi Jucao, iControl is a set of web services exposed on the F5 devices. Think of it as a programmatic interface to the admin GUI. In fact, it uses the same management interface and authorization as the GUI.



    The API exists on the device so there is nothing you need to do to enable it. What you do need to do is to pick a client toolkit you would like to use. The client toolkit will interface with your client program (C, VB, Java, Python, Perl, PowerShell, etc) and allow you to access the methods without worrying about the format of the wire-level content of the API.




    I'd recommend looking at the iControl wiki homepage at







    for background info as well as some quickstart guides or the various languages. You can find the client packages in the DevCentral Labs projects







    Hope this helps getting you going.






  • haha,no worry


    both of your ideas are helpful to me


    thanks very much


    I am reading these now
  • hello,Joe


    I have some questions here


    1:What you do need to do is to pick a client toolkit you would like to use. The client toolkit will interface with your client program :


    what do u mean when u say toolkit?




    To download the iControl.dll


    To download the iControl SDK


    why should I download this dll and SDK?


    what are the function of them?
  • Hamish's avatar
    Icon for Cirrocumulus rankCirrocumulus
    The iControl SDK is used to provide the connectiovoty to iControl. Includes docs and a few bits & pieces to make your life easier. In theory you could just access using the WDSL's as well if you like (And they're in the SDK as well).



    The SDK is available in the F5 Downloads section (Link from the iControl Wiki)...



    Currently it's at ->



    Choose your version and away you go. I usually use the latest iControl version for all my units as they tend to run different versions. Later SDK's can talk to earlier BigIP versions, but earlier SDK's will be missing features from later units.



    Toolkit in this context is going to mean something like SOAP::Lite for perl on Unix. or .net for C on windows or whichever python SOAP API you like.



  • Read through my "How iControl Works" article for an overview on the various pieces of iControl and how it will fit with your application:




