Forum Discussion

sunnyman67_1367's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Nov 03, 2013

URL rewrite through iRule

Hi Guys, i have one "Performance (HTTP)" virtual server on F5-1600 series, and i want to change the URL "" to "". i have tried all below scripts :


1- when HTTP_REQUEST { if {([string tolower [HTTP::host]] equals "")}{ HTTP::header replace Host "" } }


2- when HTTP_REQUEST { if { not ([HTTP::uri] starts_with "/xyz") } { HTTP::uri /xyz[HTTP::uri] } }


3- when HTTP_REQUEST { if {[HTTP::uri] equals {}} {HTTP::uri {} } }


but i wasn't successful! can anyone help me how can i do this through iRule ?


  • Hi Sunnyman,

    This will work;

    if { [IP::addr [IP::client_addr] equals] || [IP::addr [IP::client_addr] equals} { 
        SNAT with
        snatpool VM_SNAT_POOL_1_1_1_100
    } elseif { [IP::addr [IP::client_addr] equals] || [IP::addr [IP::client_addr] equals} { 
        SNAT with
        snatpool VM_SNAT_POOL_1_1_1_200

    But that's not a very scalable way of doing it if your list is going to grow. If it's going to grow then use an address datagroup, with values snatpool names, which you can use like this

    snatpool [class match -value [IP::remote_addr] equals dg_sunnyman_snatpools]

    or more correctly;

    set snatpool [class match -value [IP::remote_addr] equals dg_sunnyman_snatpools]
    if {$snatpool ne "") {
        snatpool $snatpool
  • Hi Sunnyman,

    This will work;

    if { [IP::addr [IP::client_addr] equals] || [IP::addr [IP::client_addr] equals} { 
        SNAT with
        snatpool VM_SNAT_POOL_1_1_1_100
    } elseif { [IP::addr [IP::client_addr] equals] || [IP::addr [IP::client_addr] equals} { 
        SNAT with
        snatpool VM_SNAT_POOL_1_1_1_200

    But that's not a very scalable way of doing it if your list is going to grow. If it's going to grow then use an address datagroup, with values snatpool names, which you can use like this

    snatpool [class match -value [IP::remote_addr] equals dg_sunnyman_snatpools]

    or more correctly;

    set snatpool [class match -value [IP::remote_addr] equals dg_sunnyman_snatpools]
    if {$snatpool ne "") {
        snatpool $snatpool
  • Thanks joanna for your useful help (like ever), but in which event should i use this "if" block? (HTTP_REQUEST? CLIENT_ACCEPTED? , ...). In addition of this question, i want to know what should i set the "SNAT" filed of VS configuration page (Auto-map , None , ...)? Because, i'm going to use of iRule for SNAT operation, in this situation what should i set the corresponding configuration field in related part of VS configuration?


  • It will work in either CLIENT_ACCEPTED or HTTP_REQUEST, however CLIENT_ACCEPTED would be most efficient as you only make the decision once per-TCP connection.


    I can't give you a definite answer on the other question, but one approach would be to use Automap in the configuration and then to use the snatpool statement. Or just leave it blank in the config and rely on the snatpool in the iRule.


  • Thanks a lot joanna, i've checked your solution and it's OK and works fine! Thanks for your regards and quick replies joanna...