Forum Discussion
Sep 21, 2012URL Redirect with no URL name change
I am trying to setup a URL redirect for my users.. I have the basic URL redirect working but the manager wants the URL to be the masked and not show the re-directed address..
What ihave right now -
Users go to DNS name - mycompany - resolves to VS (
the VS is associated with the following iRule -
HTTP::redirect "http://server_a21:8080/DefaultApp/"
How do i get it such that the URL in the browser continues to show http://mycompany/ and not the re-directed address?
- Mohamed_Lrhazi
What is server_a21:8080 ? Do you not control that web server? - AngryCat_52750
Its a web server in our environment.. So the manager wants to make it as easy and seamless for his folks to get to that web server without having needing to know the complete URL.. and the end destination does not change.. - Mohamed_Lrhazi
You could make that web server pool member in LTM, and just load balance traffic to it. as long as the web server does not care about the Host header... - AngryCat_52750
Good idea LrHazi.. we will need the URI to be what ever the user enters in.. only the URL changes.. we came up with an irule to change the URL and thats working for us now..
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