Feb 18, 2010Nimbostratus
uri query question
I am new to irules and hoped someone could lend a hand. The idea behind the irule I am trying to write up is that when a request comes in, the irule pulls out a certain name=value pair and then routes that request using modulus.
Here is what I have so far.
set baseip "10.1.1."
set baseoctet "25"
set basepool "app_pool_1"
set modulus "2"
log "URI: [URI::query [HTTP::uri] "rx"]"
set key [URI::query [HTTP::uri] "rx"]
if {$key != ""} {
set key [expr {$key % $modulus}]
set newoctet [expr {$baseoctet + $key}]
set memberip "$baseip$newoctet"
log "memberip: $memberip"
pool $basepool member $memberip:80
What I have found is that "rx" is not an exact match for a name. If the name is "trx" it will also match. It seems to be some sort of a regex. I have tried a few methods of regex, like "^rx", but none have limited the results to just "rx". If rx is found anywhere in the UI name values it is considered a match.