Forum Discussion

Anzine321's avatar
Icon for Altocumulus rankAltocumulus
Jul 04, 2023

upgrade os version 14.1 to 17.1 concern on apm and asm

hi ekpert 

1. i want to make sure what are concerns if upgrade os version 14.1 to 17.1 on apm and asm module, i want to know impact on existing configuration and any change behavior or no

2. should i upgrade to on vcmp host also when vcmp guest running on version 14.1 as i know vcmp guest still compatible but recomendation shoul have same os version guest and host 



  • I can not recommend upgrading to 17.1 currently. Version 15.1 seems currently the one to choose. 16.1 is not compatible with new rSeries.

    I upgraded from 16.1 to 17.1 because we migrated to rSeries and we had some severe issues with ASM bugs and behaviour changes.

  • Upgrades to v16.1 runs smootly for ASM, but there are always some caveats. Some I noticed:

    • ASM on v16.1 has a higher performance impact
    • DOS Profiles are automatically migrated to DOS + BOT Profiles
  • I can not recommend upgrading to 17.1 currently. Version 15.1 seems currently the one to choose. 16.1 is not compatible with new rSeries.

    I upgraded from 16.1 to 17.1 because we migrated to rSeries and we had some severe issues with ASM bugs and behaviour changes.

    • Anzine321's avatar
      Icon for Altocumulus rankAltocumulus

      thanks for the information, 

      you have experience ASM on version 16.1 is it fine to upgrade it and any change or behavior from os version 14 to version 16 ?



    • whisperer's avatar
      Icon for MVP rankMVP

      I agree with you.. version 15.x latest is best bet for now. Also, be sure to upgrade to latest version 14.x first, reactivate license, etc. Further, review iRules for any potential issues. I would also test in a lab instance of F5 VE to make sure there are no config migration issues.

      If uncomfortable, engage F5 Support or professional services. You will be hard pressed to find anyone here giving you a CYA that "nothing bad will happen".. because it may 🙂 That's why you also want to be familiar with how to line up appropriate app testing and have an understanding of the revert path for rebooting back into a previous volume should there be issues.


  • Upgrades to v16.1 runs smootly for ASM, but there are always some caveats. Some I noticed:

    • ASM on v16.1 has a higher performance impact
    • DOS Profiles are automatically migrated to DOS + BOT Profiles