Forum Discussion

Torti's avatar
Icon for Altostratus rankAltostratus
Dec 10, 2014

Update 11.5.1. HF4 to HF6 fails with configuration problem - BUG

Hi, There seems to be a bug in the new Hotfix!

After the update from HF4 to HF6 and a reboot, I get the know error message "The configuration has not yet loaded. If this message persists, it may indicate a configuration problem."

The ASM module will be stopped.

If I run "tmsh load sys conf", I get

Syntax Error:(/config/bigip.conf at line: 112) "predefined-report-name" may not be specified with "multi-leveled-report.limit"

If I look into the conf on the activ device, I find "predefined-report-name" in my configured analytics reports (Security/Application/Charts Scheduler).

Strange: If I delete the scheduler on the active device, it will still exist in the config on the active device, but it will be removeed from the config of the standby device.

If I create a new one and delete it again, everything is removed from the config.

An update without a any chart scheduler and a clean bigip.conf results in another error.

Now, I get

010717e1:3: Client SSL profile cannot contain more than one set of same certificate/key type. Unexpected Error: Loading configuration process failed.

This is described here:

This is a bad hotfix. Be careful.

  • The source of the ssl error are ssl client profiles on the standby device, which contains more than one certifcate. This second certificates don't exist on the active device (activ/standby devices). So there is also a bug in the sync process of the devices for the ssl profiles. After the removing of the second certificates, the update is running fine.
  • it seems both units are not in complete sync. certificates are not same on both, try to fix sync issue


  • no it are 2 bugs


    489682 (predefined-report-name) --> will be fixed in next major release 11.x


    447420-3 (multiple SSL sets) --> fixed in 11.6.0