Forum Discussion

ravensfan0827_7's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Mar 09, 2015

[undefined procedure: HTTP:uri][HTTP:uri]

iRule Newbie question:


I figured this would be a straight forward attempt to reference a data group on a VIP using multiple hosts but apparently I was wrong, as I keep getting the subject error.


when HTTP_REQUEST { set pool_name [class match -value [string tolower [HTTP:uri]] starts_with datagroup_name] pool $pool_name }


The datagroup formatting is:


I also tried the datagroup formatting as /


I'm running 11.3. Appreciate your assistance.


  • you missed one colon. it is HTTP::uri (not HTTP:uri).


  • Holy Cow!! I've been fighting this thing for the last two days...and it was a colon - thank you so much. Guess I can step away from the ledge now! LOL