Forum Discussion

Nishal_Rai's avatar
Icon for Cirrocumulus rankCirrocumulus
Dec 14, 2021

Unable to address the working behind the advanced parameter feature



I'm new at f5 solution and I am currently looking over the BIG-IP AWAF series where I am bumped into Demo 13. The video enables - Collapse many common parameters into one wildcard parameter after _ option in a global parameter level.



As per my understanding, the parameters for an instance- username, user & user1 in a global parameter level will be considered as a common parameter and declare them as a wildcard parameter.


So suppose the enabled option: Collapse many common parameters into one wildcard parameter after 10 occurrences.


- Should each parameter needs to occur 10 times in a global parameter level or that common parameter occurrence sums up the value (10 occurrences) like username-5 times, user-3 times, and user1-2 times to trigger the feature.

  • it is the occurrence of the common parameter name, if you have username, user and user1 - that is 3 occurrences , not 10