Forum Discussion
Apr 27, 2022Trouble redirecting on APM rejection.
I've got a website that allows for both http and https. One uri requires user certificate authentication, which obviously can't occur on the http side. I've created an APM policy that does the on-d...
- Apr 27, 2022
Do you mean like this?
Setup your APM policy so instead of deny you make a new end which is a redirect?
So at the top of the policy click Edit EndingsYou then see this, click "Add Ending" and select the redirect radio button and set it where ever you want it to go.
The click on the Allow/Deny and change the Ending to the new redirection ending (or what ever you called it)
Apr 27, 2022Thanks, it's been awhile since I'd done the training labs and forgot you had to add the additional endings.
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