Forum Discussion
TMSH Command to list ASM policies not attached to any virtual servers in all partitions
Hi Omykhan,
You can obtain a list of all virtual servers that have no policy (and hence have no traffic going via ASM) via this command:
tmsh list ltm virtual one-line | grep -v policies | cut -d' ' -f 3
Here's a one liner that prints out virtual server and policy names when the policy includes 'asm disable':
for policy in `tmsh list ltm policy one-line | grep 'asm disable' | cut -d' ' -f3 `; do echo -n `tmsh list ltm virtual one-line | grep $policy | cut -d' ' -f3`; echo ::$policy; done
tmsh show asm virtual | grep -e "Asm::"
tmsh list ltm virtual all | grep -e -i "policy"
Hi, Thanks for the reply, but that didn't achieve what I required. Here's the scenario;
There are few partitions in BIG IP; let's say
- partition 1
- partition 2
- partition 3, and so on
And in each partition, there are multiple ASM policies and virtual servers;
Let's say in partition 1, there are
- VS1 -> attached to ASM1 policy
- VS2 -> attached to ASM 1 policy
- VS3 -> attached to ASM2 policy
- ASM3 policy -> attached to no VS
So, i need to capture the unused ASM policy information in all partitions that are not attached to any VS
I hope I have clarified this in a detailed way ...
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